Nov 28, 2021 DW News
Scientists are racing to assess the threat from the new coronavirus variant Omicron. Cases have surfaced in several countries - including Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy and Australia. Dutch authorities have also confirmed 13 Omicron infections among airline passengers who arrived from South Africa – which first sounded the alarm. Governments around the world have imposed restrictions on travel from southern Africa. Scientists are still unclear how infectious Omicron might be, and whether current vaccines will remain effective. Once again, it feels like the world is racing to catch up with the pandemic. The UK banned flights from southern Africa and still found omicron in its midst. The list of countries affected is growing while the research has just begun. Germany was already facing its worst wave of infections. Now omicron has been found in travelers arriving from South Africa, threatening to put even more strain on the healthcare system. Israel has certainly heard that wake-up call. With one confirmed case of the variant and several more suspected, it is shutting its borders to all foreign travelers for two weeks and phone surveillance technology will be used to keep track of infected people. They're the most drastic measures announced by any nation so far in the wake of this new development.
Governments are scrambling to close their borders to travelers from southern Africa, where a potentially dangerous new variant was first found. By Rachel Pannett, Dan Diamond, María Luisa Paúl and Jennifer Hassan
By Shira Rubin
By Meryl Kornfield, Adela Suliman, Christine Armario and María Luisa Paúl
By Lesley Wroughton
O ‘Tip of the iceberg’: The Netherlands confirm 13 Omicron cases from SA flights
The Netherlands said the cases were among the 61 passengers who tested positive for Covid-19 on two flights from South Africa on Friday.
World scrambles to contain Omicron coronavirus variant
Variant’s high number of spike protein mutations is unprecedented and troubling, health experts say, as more cases are reported across Europe.
28 Nov 2021 - 5:06AM
Exclusive | BA temporarily suspends passenger flights to and from Hong Kong
Two separate sources say British flag carrier took decision after one crew member tested positive for Covid-19 at Hong Kong airport, resulting in most of flight staff being sent to quarantine camp.
Omicron mutations double that of Delta, Italian lab image shows
Image created in Rome shows 43 spike protein mutations, compared to 18 for Delta. But how dangerous the new variant is remains to be seen.
Australia and Austria joined the group of countries that have detected cases of the new Covid-19 variant, which is presenting policy makers with choices that are politically and socially difficult.5 min read
The Omicron variant is leading U.S. companies in a range of industries to consider how safety measures could be reinstated, but many executives are saying they will hold off making changes to operations until more is known.
Nov. 27, 2021 7:10 PM ET PFE, BNTX, MRNA, JNJ, AZN By: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor73 Comments
By Lesley Wroughton
While omicron has not yet been detected in the United States, New York hospitals will be allowed to protect capacity by limiting nonessential and non-urgent care. By Andrew Jeong
By Brittany Shammas and Paulina Firozi
Nov 27, 2021 BBC News
Two people in the UK have been found to be infected with the new Covid variant, Omicron, the health secretary has said. Sajid Javid said the UK Health Security Agency had detected cases in Chelmsford, Essex, and in Nottingham. He said the cases were linked and the two people were self-isolating alongside their households while more tests and contact tracing take place. The new variant has also been identified in South Africa, Botswana, Belgium, Hong Kong and Israel.
#Gravitas #B11529 #NewCOVIDVariant
Nov 26, 2021 WION
2021 may be coming to an end but the pandemic isn't. The 'deadliest' variant of the Wuhan Virus has just been discovered. Scientists are describing it as 'horrific'. There are fears this variant may even escape vaccine-induced immunity. Palki Sharma has a report.
#Omicron #Covid19 #SouthAfrica
Nov 27, 2021 DW News
There's growing global alarm over Omicron - the new coronavirus variant that first emerged in South Africa. Researchers say it could be the most infectious form of the virus so far, and it might even beat current vaccines. The international response has been swift. Many countries have shut down air travel from southern Africa. The South African government says the bans are an overreaction. Omicron has moved quickly. Now countries around the world are racing to get ahead, banning flights from the region where the variant was first discovered. South Africans suddenly find themselves cut off from the world. Since the UK announced its travel ban, many other countries have followed suit. South Africa’s government says they acted too quickly. As quickly as the travel restrictions were announced, they are more likely to slow down rather than completely stop the spread of omicron. Dutch health officials fear that dozens of COVID-infected passengers who arrived in Amsterdam on Friday might also be infected with the new variant. Hong Kong, Israel, and Belgium have already confirmed cases. The world has made progress in the fight against the coronavirus, but the new variant shows that the battle is far from won. The message for now from many officials: Get the vaccine, get the booster, and follow public health regulations.
Scientists say the new coronavirus variant has a high number of mutations that could make it more easily transmissible. While more research is needed, scientists have confirmed some important details.
By Meryl Kornfield, Lateshia Beachum and Adela Suliman
By Chico Harlan and Lesley Wroughton39 minutes ago
The Netherlands braced for dozens of cases coming from two flights from South Africa as researchers raced to determine if passengers were infected with the variant. By Amy Cheng
By Brittany Shammas and Paulina Firozi
New York Declares State of Emergency Amid Variant Threat
U.K. Finds Omicron Cases; S. Africa Mulls Response: Virus
U.K. Finds Two Cases of Omicron Covid Variant, Javid Says
Britain confirmed its first cases of the new variant, as other European countries probe suspected cases of a coronavirus strain the WHO says could be more transmissible.
Evidence that infections provide as much protection as vaccines is prompting some experts to suggest a nuanced approach to vaccine mandates.
Scientists Racing to Decode Omicron as Defenses Buy Time
WHO Says New Strain Is a Variant of Concern, Names It Omicron
The New Covid-19 Variant Is Already Disrupting Travel Around the World
Scott Gottlieb Says Travel Restrictions Are Counterproductive
By The Editorial Board | Review & Outlook
The disparity between wealthier and lower-income countries helped open the door to the rise of this latest variant, public-health officials say.
Nov. 26, 2021 2:30 AM ET PFE, MRNA, JNJ,AZN By: Mamta Mayani, SA News Editor90 Comments
Nov. 26, 2021 12:28 PM ET Moderna, Inc. (MRNA) By: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor1 Comment
Nov. 26, 2021 12:16 PM ET Moderna, Inc. (MRNA), BNTX, PFE, JNJBy: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor231 Comments
The world is on alert as the U.K. reports cases of omicron Covid variant
Nov. 26, 2021 8:19 AM ET BioNTech SE (BNTX) PFE By: Mamta Mayani, SA News Editor16 Comments
Nov 25, 2021 DW News
Scientists in South Africa are warning of a new strain of COVID-19. The variant - which is yet to be named - appears to have a high number of mutations. That is of concern, because there's a possibility it could be able to evade our immune response and be even more transmissible. South Africa has called for an emergency meeting of the World Health Organization to discuss this new variant.
Nov 25, 2021 DW News
Germany set a tragic new record: more than 100,000 people have now died of Covid-19. Meanwhile, the infection rate is going through the roof - 76,000 new cases were reported within just one day. Pandemic fatigue and too many who refuse to take the vaccine are forcing Germany and its neighbour Austria to adopt stricter measures. Too little too late?
New Covid-19 Variant Raises Concerns; U.K. Bans Flights From African Nations
New Coronavirus Variant a ‘Serious Concern’ in South Africa
Africa CDC Plans Talks on New Covid Variant in South Africa
U.K. Pays a Deadly Price to Avoid Europe’s Latest Covid Crisis
EU Proposes 9-Month Limit on Covid Vaccine Validity for Travel
Nov 25, 2021 BBC News
Germany has recorded 100,000 Covid deaths, a number that other western European countries, including the UK and France, passed several months ago. Europe is at the epicentre of the crisis, according to the World Health Organization. The death toll already exceeds 1.5 million in the 53 countries it terms as its Europe region. It warned of "high or extreme stress" in intensive care units in 49 of the nations by March 2022. Europe is facing a surge in cases, prompting Austria to return to lockdown and others to consider fresh measures.
New Coronavirus Variant a ‘Serious Concern’ in South Africa
The World Health Organization says the regional death toll could exceed 2.2 million by 1 March.
EU Proposes 9-Month Limit on Covid Vaccine Validity for Travel
U.K. Pays a Deadly Price to Avoid Europe’s Latest Covid Crisis
Michigan Lawmakers Request Biden’s Help as Covid Surges
The industry potentially faces a significant expansion of government regulation despite success in watering down Democratic proposals in the social-spending and climate bill.
As educators feel stress in rushing to make up for closings during the Covid-19 pandemic, some in the field say added time away isn’t the solution.
Vermont’s COVID-19 surge could point the way toward an uncertain endemic future.
Medical professionals are used to being believed, but as patients, they found that their expertise didn’t matter.
Rebecca Falconer Nov 24, 2021 - World
DW News Streamed 11/25/2021
Germany's total coronavirus death toll passed 100,000 on Thursday. At the same time, some hospitals are at the point of being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. Many experts agree that Germany's fourth COVID wave could have been avoided. Most of the people who have died of the coronavirus recently were unvaccinated. Where does the country stand? What does this mean for the incoming government?
#Covid19 #Germany #VaccineMandate
Nov 24, 2021 DW News
In Germany, the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections continues to rage out of control. Health minister Jens Spahn says further restrictions are needed to slow the spread of the virus. Here's a look at the most significant of the new measures in Germany from today on. Anyone going to work or using public transport will need to fulfil at least one of three criteria: be vaccinated, have recently recovered from infection, or show a negative COVID-19 test result. This is known in Germany as the 3G rule. The eastern state of Saxony has already stepped up restrictions after a spike in new infections, but many residents remain skeptical about getting vaccinated.
Nov 23, 2021 WION
Europe has been witnessing a rising number of coronavirus cases across the continent.
The fourth wave of the pandemic is threatening to bring the health care sector to its knees.
Hospitals’ Covid Overflow in Michigan Offers Warning for U.S.
The latest developments in the global fight against Covid-19.
Denver Renews Mask Mandate as Covid-19 Cases Mount
Covid Vaccines Owe Their Spectacular Success to Some Unlikely Heroes
Colleges Let Students Go Unmasked Even With Covid Bearing Down
Opinion: Yes, You Should Get a Covid Booster
The tests help some people decide which precautions to take to curb the spread of Covid-19, but doctors say it isn’t known what level of antibodies effectively prevents infection or a severe case.
The expert cabinet advising the Israel's government said that the children's vaccination drive would not be enough by itself to halt the spread of COVID
Ido Efrati Nov. 23, 2021 8:32 PM
Europe’s CDC U-Turns, Promotes Vaccine Boosters For All Adults As Region Fights Covid Surge
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said Covid-19 boosters should be considered for all adults and could help relieve the pressure
Nov 23, 2021 DW News
Germany is Europe's economic powerhouse, with state-of-the-art hospitals and highly qualified professionals. But the brutality of the fourth pandemic wave threatens to break the system. From Bavaria to Saxony - hospitals in Germany are on the brink of collapse. Medical staff in high incidence regions must prepare for triage and doctors will soon have to decide between life and death. There simply isn't enough staff for ICUs to manage the surge of COVID-19 patients.
#documentary #vaccine #freedocumentary
Nov 21, 2021 DW Documentary
With the help of mRNA technology, BioNTech has developed a vaccine for COVID-19. These assist the body to produce its own antigens to fight the virus - a medical milestone. Since the beginning of the 21st century, scientists Uğur Şahin und Özlem Türeci have pursued the goal of creating cancer treatments that are specific to individuals. The firm they established, BioNTech, focuses heavily on revolutionary mRNA technology. The "M” in mRNA means ‘messenger and RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. MRNA delivers information for antigen production directly to the cell which produces proteins. Afterwards, these cells present self-produced antigens on their outer shells and trigger a specifically desired immune response. Şahin and Türeci came up with the idea of using mRNA technology for vaccines in January 2020 after reading about a virus recently identified in Wuhan, China. Within hours, BioNTech decided to launch its search for a viable vaccine. The initial steps required lots of money and nerves of steel. The founders of pharmaceutical giant Hexal, brothers Andreas and Thomas Strünmann, were among the first financial backers. BioNTech received hundreds of millions in funding and the search for a vaccine began. But many questions remained unresolved. In the end, persistence paid off. A Partnership with Pharma Giant Pfizer sped up the testing phase and the Comirnaty Con-centrate was approved. Its efficacy proven, millions around the world have been vaccinated with it. But what does the future look like for cancer research? And can mRNA technology aid in the fight against Malaria? The documentary shows what a wide-ranging affect this startup company in Mainz, Germany is having on global health. Film maker Michael Schindhelm has gained the opportunity to take a closer look at this revolutionary company.
Nov 23, 2021 BBC News
Austria is back in lockdown as it tries to control a rising COVID infection rate. With new restrictions coming in across Europe, there have been protests in Belgium, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Croatia. Once again there has been visible tension between public health measures and what some people say are constraints on their personal freedoms.
‘Vaccinated, recovered or dead’: Germany gives stark winter warning to its people
White House says U.S. will not lock down to fight Covid as European nations implement restrictions
Californians Flee the Coast to Inland Cities in a Mass Pandemic-Era Exodus
Gottlieb says breakthrough Covid infections more common than people realize
Robert Towey MON, NOV 22ND 2021
Protests against Covid rules and lockdowns erupt across Europe
TUE, NOV 23RD 2021
The mayor has drawn criticism for doing away with the mandate without citing .
By Jenna Portnoy and Rachel Chason
Opinion | Covid-19: ready or not, Asean nations must reopen, reconnect and reform
Births stood at 8.52 per 1,000 people last year, the first time the figure has dropped below 10 since the late 1970s
November 23, 20214:09 AM EST Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals ZURICH, Nov 23 (Reuters)
Weekly Covid deaths in England and Wales passes 1,000 for first time in eight months
Europe Covid cases map: How Germany, France and Austria rates compare to UK
Nov 22, 2021 BBC News
Austria has returned to a full national lockdown because of its rising number of coronavirus infections. Austrians have been told to work from home and non-essential shops have been closed. Protests against new restrictions have been growing in several european countries, including Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Nov 22, 2021 DW News
German Health Minister Jens Spahn stressed that Germans should get vaccinated, including with booster shots if their first shot was more than six months ago, to reduce the risk of serious illness. He said the prevalence of the more infectious delta variant made it increasingly difficult for unvaccinated people to avoid infection. "As is sometimes cynically said, by the end of this winter pretty much everyone in Germany ... will have been vaccinated, recovered or died," Spahn told reporters in Berlin. "I don't agree with the comment [by Health Minister Jens Spahn] that everyone 'will be either vaccinated, recovered or dead' after this fall or winter, because that would mean that everyone will have come into contact with the virus," Hendrik Streeck, a professor and director of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn, told DW today. He said that the situation was serious at the moment, but that Spahn's assessment did not reflect how the virus travels nor how long the pandemic will last. Streeck: "It moves from social group to social group, and that's why it behaves in natural waves." "If we don't get a higher rate of vaccination, we will have it next winter and next fall again," Streeck said. "We have to prepare for the long-term and also think about next year." In regard to a vaccine mandate, he said that if some people's immunity wanes after six months, "that would mean having a mandate to get vaccinated every half year for a very long time. (…) Politicians promised the people there would be no vaccine mandate," so that would "erode trust in the government" at a crucial time. Looking towards doctors and nurses, "it might happen that if they have a vaccine mandate, that they will just leave their jobs" in the middle of this crisis, Streeck said.
Covid Rebound in U.S. Is as Bad as Last November’s in Some Spots
Vaccines Ward Off Severe Covid in U.S., Wane Against Infections
China Is More Dedicated Than Ever to Covid Zero as It Battles Delta
U.S. Vaccine Rates in Kids Mimic Covid-19 Shot Gaps in Adults
Nov 22, 2021 South China Morning Post
Tens of thousands of protesters throughout Europe marched against new coronavirus lockdowns and restrictions over the weekend of November 20-22, 2021. Protests have taken place in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands, among other places. Covid-19 infections in the European continent have been on the rise, with Austria and the Netherlands seeing record daily cases in recent weeks.
Nov 22, 2021 DW News
Germany has reached a new record of coronavirus infections, despite having ample vaccines. In some parts of Germany, like Bavaria and Saxony, COVID-19 patients are being transferred from one hospital to others because there's not enough capacity to treat them. Beds in intensive care units are getting sparse. Germany's infection rate has risen to its highest level since the start of the pandemic, although vaccination rates are at almost 70 percent of the population. The country that so far has done relatively better than its neighbors in dealing with COVID-19 is losing control. What went wrong?
Nov 22, 2021 DW News
There's a growing public backlash as governments in several European countries tighten coronavirus restrictions. In the Netherlands, more than 130 people have been arrested during three days of unrest. Coronaviruses cases there are setting new records. A week ago the government imposed western Europe's first partial lockdown since the summer. Austria has gone back into national lockdown - the first country in Europe to reimpose such a harsh measure as a winter wave of COVID-19 infections rolls across the continent. On Sunday tens of thousands turned out in the capital Vienna to protest against the lockdown. Now, Christmas markets, bars, restaurants and most shops have closed. For at least the next ten days, people can only leave their homes for essential reasons. With COVID-19 cases also soaring in places like neighboring Germany, Europe is facing a winter of toughening restrictions.
Merkel Says Covid Spike ‘Worse Than Anything We’ve Seen’
EU Weighs Changes to Covid Certificates, Travel Rules During Surge
Wall Street Says Buy the Dip as Virus Fears Won’t Halt Rally
Vaccine Holdouts Face $4,000 Fine in Austria’s Virus Crackdown
Experts, who are thrilled about the prospect of two powerful new medicines, worry that enthusiasm for treatments may distract from their limitations and the necessity of preventing illness in the first place. By Carolyn Y. Johnson
LIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
U.S. Covid-19 Deaths This Year Surpass 2020’s
Most Vulnerable More at Risk of Breakthrough Hospitalization
Unrest has spread across the continent as countries bring in measures to curb infections.
Jacob Knutson Politics & Policy
Caitlin Owens, Dave Lawler Health
Erica Pandey, Economy & Business
Caitlin Owens, Kavya Beheraj Health
After two years of pandemic waves, we’re finally learning whether the disease has a predictable schedule.
Nov 21, 2021 BBC News
The Belgian capital Brussels is the latest European city to see mass protests and unrest over tighter coronavirus restrictions. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, some throwing fireworks and missiles at police who responded with tear gas and water canon. Belgium has brought in new measures in response to a sharp rise in infections. The protesters are mainly opposed to covid passes which ban unvaccinated people from entering bars and restaurants. Protests have also taken place in Austria, Italy, Croatia and the Netherlands.
Nov 20, 2021 DW News
In Romania, hospitals are overflowing due to low COVID vaccination rates. There's a widespread mistrust of the vaccine.
Nov 20, 2021 BBC News
Dutch police have shot and wounded at least two people after rioting erupted in Rotterdam over new Covid-19 measures. Protesters threw rocks and fireworks at them and set police cars ablaze. Hundreds of protesters had gathered to show their anger at government plans for a Covid vaccine pass, and a ban on fireworks on New Year's Eve. The Netherlands imposed a three-week partial Covid lockdown last week as cases surged. Seven people were injured and at least 20 arrested in a night condemned by Rotterdam's mayor as "an orgy of violence".
Nov 21, 2021 BBC
Fresh unrest has erupted in the Netherlands against new lockdown rules amid rising Covid-19 cases in Europe.
A tragic statistic: 100,000 people in Germany have now died of or with COVID-19.
Riots erupt in the Netherlands for a second night, with protests also held in Austria and Italy.
Amid the uncertainty caused by the new Florida state laws, Disney said it “will address legal developments as appropriate.”
By Perry Stein
The health organisation's regional director warns of half a million more deaths by March without action.
Nov 19, 2021 DW News
In the past two weeks, the number of new cases has jumped by more than 60%. On Friday, Germany recorded 52,970 daily new infections, a day after registering over 65,000 daily cases, a record since the start of the pandemic. Health officials are warning that the number is likely to at least double in the coming days. German Health Minister Jens Spahn on Friday said that the pandemic situation has worsened over the past week and it's now "more serious than last week," adding that the country is facing "a national emergency." When asked about the possibility of imposing a new lockdown for everyone, he said: "We're in a situation where we can't rule anything out." The comments came as Germany's upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, approved new restrictions to curb COVID, a day after the lower house passed the measures. As per the new rules, the so-called hospitalization incidence will be the new benchmark for introducing tougher COVID regulations in the country. According to that metric, if more than three inhabitants per 100,000 in a region are hospitalized with COVID, the "2G" rule will apply for all public leisure activities in a given state — referring to the shorthand in Germany for a rule that allows freedoms like access to restaurants and hotels only to those who are either vaccinated or have recovered from COVID. The "2G+" rule will kick in when the hospitalization incidence hits a value of six per 100,000, meaning even the vaccinated and recovered people will be required to produce an additional negative COVID test result. From a value of nine, further measures such as contact restrictions are to be implemented.
Researchers look into whether T-cells can help build immunity to COVID-19
Small-business owners say their preparations to comply with federal rules slated to take effect Jan. 4 are exacerbating hiring problems and meeting resistance among some staffers.
Riots Erupt Over Netherlands Covid Rules
Pfizer, Moderna Boosters for All Adults Backed by FDA, CDC
The pandemic continues to exact a huge toll despite vaccines as the Delta variant spreads.
Austria will enter a full pandemic lockdown and make COVID vaccinations compulsory from February.
Austrians Take to the Streets Against Vaccine Mandate, Lockdown
By Lena H. Sun, Laurie McGinley and Frances Stead Sellers
Media Statement
For Immediate Release: Friday, November 19, 2021
Nov 19, 2021 Bloomberg Markets and Finance
Austria will enter a nationwide lockdown from Monday as a record spike in coronavirus cases threatens to overwhelm the country's health care system. Meanwhile, Germany's health minister said another lockdown in the country can't be ruled out. Maria Tadeo reports on "Bloomberg Surveillance."
Austria to Mandate Shots; Germany May Lock Down: Virus Update
Coronavirus infections in Germany are higher than ever before, and that's straining medical staff.
Wuhan Market Reemerges as Likely Covid Origin in New Chronology
Austria Will Enter Fourth National Lockdown and Impose Compulsory Covid Vaccinations
International Travel During Covid-19: New Lockdowns Threaten Reopening
The FDA authorized the third dose for anyone 18 years and older, after earlier clearing the shot for people at high risk.
As well as Monday's lockdown, the chancellor says vaccinations will be compulsory from February.
The Food and Drug Administration cleared the boosters for all people 18 and older who are at least six months past their second shot of the two-dose vaccine.By Laurie McGinley
LIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
The move makes Austria the first country in Europe to introduce compulsory vaccination. By Loveday Morris and Denise Hruby
America’s booster rules are far more confusing than necessary.
Nov 18, 2021 DW News
German lawmakers have approved a package of measures to slow the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. It comes as the country hits another daily infection record, with more than 65,000 new cases reported in the last 24-hours. Many of the new patients are unvaccinated. Hospitals are running out of bedspace and staff are struggling with exhaustion. Germany's disease control agency, the Robert Koch Institute, is warning of a serious emergency this winter. Germany's vaccine commission has approved booster vaccinations for everyone over the age of 18. But something like 30 percent of Germans still haven't had their first jab - and a large proportion of them have no intention of getting vaccinated. That includes some who work with society's most vulnerable.
By Julian Mark
November 18, 20213:16 PM EST NEW DELHI, Nov 19 (Reuters)
By Krishna N. Das
People Down Under have had to endure long lockdowns that are only now being lifted.
An evolutionary biologist reviewed data and reports on the first known cases to show most were clustered around Wuhan’s seafood market
Caitlin Owens, Kavya Beheraj Health
New Covid-19 antibody treatment shows promise as China races to find cure
Experimental neutralising antibody treatment able to tackle all variants shown to reduce viral loads and symptoms for 14 Beijing patients.
18 Nov 2021 - 9:43PM
California’s coronavirus cases top 5 million as hospitalizations continue to drop
L.A. schools will relax some student mask rules, ease COVID-19 testing. What to knowMask and vaccine guidance for out-of-town visitors in L.A.
Fresh look at earliest COVID cases points to live-animal market as most likely source
A timeline of COVID-19’s first weeks in Wuhan
Nov. 17, 2021 8:51 AM ET Novavax, Inc. (NVAX)MRNA, BNTX By: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor14 Comments
Nov 17, 2021 BBC News
Politicians across Europe are weighing up how best to battle large rises in Covid cases. Austria has already imposed some lockdown restrictions for the unvaccinated only, and other countries such as Germany are considering re-introducing some rules as Christmas approaches. The debate about whether vaccines alone are enough to stop the spread of the virus is one of the main reasons some politicians want restrictions re-imposed.
The average annual salary for registered nurses, not including bonus pay such as overtime, increased about 4% this year to $81,376, according to an analysis.
John Authers
Opinion by Leana S. Wen
Opinion by the Editorial Board
The Biden administration is planning to spend billions, aiming to spur the U.S. production of at least 1 billion doses a year.
By Tyler Pager and Dan Diamond
By Alex Horton and Karoun DemirjianLIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
17 November 2021
Nov. 19, 2021 1:06 PM ET Merck & Co., Inc. (MRK)
By: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor
#Germany #Covid19 #Coronavirus
Nov 16, 2021 DW News
In Germany, coronavirus case numbers are rising fast. For the ninth straight day, the country has registered record infection rates, prompting doctors and public health experts once again to sound the alarm. They are urging leaders to ramp up pressure on unvaccinated people, and the first states have started to heed their call. Meanwhile the surge is stretching medical staff on the front lines to the limit.
Testing found Pfizer’s pill to be 89% effective at reducing the risk of hospitalization and death from Covid-19 when taken soon after diagnosis.4 min read
By Julie Zauzmer Weil and Jenna PortnoyLIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
By Adam Taylor and Claire Parker
More Than 10,000 Australians Want Compensation for Vaccine Side Effects: Report
Over more than 50 years, Jimmy’s Corner, a dive bar just off New York’s Times Square, has attracted the “craziest, coolest, most absurd parade.” By Kevin Armstrong
Chelsea Cirruzzo Axios Washington D.C.
Nov 15, 2021 DW News
Germany has never had as many coronavirus cases as it has now. Until now, Germany has done well compared to other European countries. In the summer, the pandemic looked like it was under control. Not any longer. German hospitals are filling up – mainly with the unvaccinated. So, what went wrong? A dramatic surge in infections has a lot of people asking, is it better to stay home, do I really want to get on a train right now, and will there be another lockdown? There are so many Germans out there who haven't had a single vaccination shot. As of this week, only vaccinated or recovered people are allowed into restaurants or museums in Saxony. The new rules are intended to slow the steep rise in COVID cases in the region. The vaccination rate in Saxony is far below the national average. It is the latest attempt to turn the tide in Saxony. And the latest COVID winter in Germany has just begun.
By Alex Horton and Dan Lamothe
More schools are using test-to-stay screening protocols to keep children in classrooms after they have been exposed to Covid-19. ‘Test-to-stay has been a collective sigh of relief,’ one superintendent says.
The shot yielded the strongest immune response among four vaccines tested.
NYC Opens Booster Shots to All Adults as Cases Tick Up
U.K. and New York City Expand Booster Availability: Virus Update
Critics blame the spike in people living below the poverty line on a lack of government response.
Nov 14, 2021
Europe is once again the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Germany, the rate of infections is climbing rapidly - prompting concerns about the health system's ability to cope. The worrying spike has prompted Chancellor Angela Merkel to urge all unvaccinated people to get the jab. Germany has a lower vaccination rate than most other western European countries. The Netherlands is also seeing a surge in coronavirus cases. The government has responded by imposing a partial lockdown. For the next three weeks bars, restaurants and shops will have to close early. Authorities are also calling on people to limit their social contacts. The Netherlands is the first country in western Europe to take this step – one that has coincided with the start of the holiday season. Austria could approve a lockdown for only people unvaccinated against COVID-19. The government will meet later today to discuss the measure. Russia has reported a new daily record number of coronavirus deaths. Over 1,200 were registered. Vietnam has welcomed its first international tourists in almost 20 months after it closed its borders to contain the coronavirus. Two charter flights brought more than 400 fully vaccinated visitors from Japan and South Korea.
The state of Saxony has the highest rate of infection in Germany and the lowest vaccine take-up.
Enrollment stayed roughly steady or shrank slightly in D.C., Maryland and Virginia.
By Hannah Natanson, Donna St. George and Perry Stein
The official COVID-19 death toll could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Tolerance wanes for Chengdu’s coronavirus track and test regime
People in Chengdu find the local authority’s stringent measures to contain the latest Covid-19 outbreak harder to endure.
Youths drive COVID-19 surge in U.K., a warning for California
Infections among 10- to 14-year-olds show experts how difficult it is to reach heard immunity.
Some people exposed to coronavirus didn't get ill. Now researchers want to use that in vaccines.
Philadelphia indoor concert venues navigate mask-wearing, vaccination, and COVID anxiety.
Laurie McGinley, Lena H. Sun, and Tyler Pager,
Erin Doherty Nov 13, 2021 - Politics & Policy
Nov 15, 2021 DW News
Austria went into a new pandemic lockdown at midnight on Sunday night - but only for its unvaccinated population. It's in response to a record surge in COVID-19 cases that the government says threatens to overwhelm intensive care units. For ten days, millions of people will be required to stay at home - unless their journey is deemed essential. Crowds took to the streets of the capital, Vienna, to protest what they say is a vaccine mandate by the back door. They chanted for their freedom outside a fortified Chancellery - but under the new measures they will have to stay home. The protestors were there to make their hostility to the new lockdown heard. But in a country entering a fourth wave of the COVID pandemic - not all are opposed. Speaking on Sunday the country's Interior Minister Karl Nehammer had a stern warning to the Austrian people. 63 percent of the population have currently had both jabs, with Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg calling on those still unvaccinated to take up the offer of a shot. Those who currently haven't received two jabs will only be permitted to leave their homes for work and carry out essential tasks such as shopping and attending medical appointments. The announcement follows a record surge in COVID infections and government concerns hospitals could become overwhelmed.
Nov 14, 2021 DW News
Austria's government has approved a new lockdown that will only apply to unvaccinated people. Starting at midnight on Sunday, the government said people who haven't been vaccinated will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential reasons, such as working, shopping or taking a walk. The lockdown is intended to push more people to get the jabs against COVID-19. Austria's decision comes just two days after the Netherlands announced a partial lockdown for all residents. Austria has one of the lowest vaccination rates in western Europe. Together with Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg Interior Minister Karl Nehammer held a press conference announcing the measure.
Nov 12, 2021 DW News
Over five million people have officially fallen victim to the coronavirus. But news magazine The Economist estimates that the pandemic's true death toll is four times higher by calculating with almost 20 million excess deaths worldwide. The official COVID toll could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Nov 11, 2021 NBC News
Covid-19 cases are climbing in 17 states across the nation. Colorado’s governor declared the state “High Risk for Exposure” and signed an executive order allowing all adults to immediately qualify for a booster shot.
Hospitals in Western U.S. Under Siege as Covid-19 Packs ICUs
The drugmaker said it would start pricing its Covid-19 vaccine to make it profitable, ending a period in which it had pledged to roll out the shots at cost during the pandemic.
Unvaccinated workers are spending up to 200 euros per month on tests just to continue earning a paycheck.
By Chico Harlan, Stefano Pitrelli and Rick Noack
Sam Baker, Kavya Beheraj Nov 11, 2021 - Health
China sees new spike in Covid-19 cases as Dalian city becomes centre of outbreak
The port city has recorded more than 200 cases in less than two weeks as a result of the Delta variant.
China approves mRNA vaccine booster trials
The authorities have so far insisted that boosters use the same technology as the initial shots, but the latest trial could widen the options available.
Some people exposed to coronavirus didn't get ill. Now researchers want to use that in vaccines.
The state of Saxony has the highest rate of infection in Germany and the lowest vaccine take-up.
CDC shifts pandemic goals away from reaching herd immunity
By The Editorial Board | Review & Outlook
#WorldNewsTonight #COVID #Vaccine
Nov 11, 2021 ABC News
For the first time in 10 weeks, COVID-19 hospital admissions are increasing in 14 states. Experts believe the new surge is due to the unvaccinated and waning immunity from the vaccine.
Nov 10, 2021 DW News
COVID-19 booster shots have been introduced in many countries. Scientists say the third dose is necessary to top up immune protection in vulnerable groups. But as people in wealthy countries begin lining up for COVID vaccine booster shots, the rest of the world is still waiting for the first dose. The WHO says rich countries with large supplies of coronavirus vaccines should refrain from offering booster shots through the end of the year and make the doses available for poorer countries.
Nov 11, 2021 DW News
Germany crossed 50,000 new daily coronavirus infections for the first time on Thursday, according to the national public health body, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The RKI said Germany reported 50,196 new cases within the past 24 hours. The public health body also registered 235 new deaths from the virus. Germany's number of new cases per 100,000 people over the past week has now risen to 249.1. The institute previously reported on Wednesday 39,676 new cases, which was also a record at the time. The rising cases have alarmed Germany's top health officials and political leaders. Virologist Christian Drosten said the country could witness as many as 100,000 more deaths from the virus and called for urgent action. Chancellor Angela Merkel is pushing for talks with state premiers to craft a "quick and unified response" to the crisis. Some parts of the country are putting more pressure on unvaccinated citizens. On Monday, Berlin will require a certificate of vaccination or recovery for people entering public venues such as restaurants, gyms and hairdressers.
Germany was a Covid ‘poster child.’ Now it’s seeing 50,000 cases a day, prompting a dramatic warning
Shanghai marathon off as China’s Covid-19 outbreak passes 1,000 cases
City postpones race after marathons were also called off in Wuhan, Shijiazhuang and Beijing – but country’s daily case tally is lowest in two weeks. 10 Nov 2021 - 11:45PM
How long Africa's summer Covid lull lasts is partly dependent on how quickly countries can roll out vaccines — and find a way to start widely using rapid antigen tests
Africa’s Pandemic Lull May Be Extended With Rapid Test Rollout
By Janice Kew November 11, 2021, 7:30 AM EST
Moderna says Covid vaccine has fewer breakthrough cases than Pfizer’s, but higher myocarditis rates
By Carolyn Y. Johnson, Joel Achenbach and Jacqueline Dupree
Stephanie Bruneau’s husband died during the pandemic, so for her and her children, the future will look nothing like the past.
Stephanie Bruneau, For The Inquirer
A politics professor, who is grateful for his own COVID vaccination, argues that mandates treat people like they're pieces of meat.
David Walsh, For The Inquirer
November 10, 2021
November 11, 2021 at 11:03 AM EST
TARRYTOWN, N.Y., Nov. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) today announced that the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has adopted a positive opinion for the casirivimab and imdevimab antibody cocktail, known as REGEN-COV® in the U.S. and Ronapreve™ in the European Union (EU) and other countries. The positive opinion is for people aged 12 years and older for the treatment of non-hospitalized patients (outpatients) with confirmed COVID-19 who do not require oxygen supplementation and who are at increased risk of progressing to severe COVID-19, and to prevent COVID-19. A final decision from the European Commission regarding the approval of the antibody cocktail is expected in the near future.
Intensive-care beds are filling up in Colorado, other states.
The rate at which fully vaccinated residents are getting the shots is highest in the states that also have high rates of new coronavirus cases, including Alaska, North Dakota and Montana, according to a review of state data by The Washington Post.
By Dan Keating, Fenit Nirappil and Katie Shepherd
Nov 10, 2021 DW News
Germany reported a record-high number of new coronavirus cases Wednesday. The 39,676 cases registered by the Robert Koch Institute surpassed the previous daily record of 37,120 new cases reported Friday. The institute said Germany's infection rate rose to 232.1 new cases per 100,000 residents over the past seven days. Several hospitals have said in recent days that they are again working at their limits and have ICUs so full of COVID-19 patients that they cannot admit new patients at the moment. Berlin's Charite said Tuesday it had to cancel planned surgeries due to the number of staff members caring for people with COVID-19. Authorities have said most of latest patients are unvaccinated. About 67% of Germany's population of 83 million is fully vaccinated, according to official figures. Unlike in some other European countries, the government has balked at making vaccines mandatory for any professional group.
Improper medical exemptions are being revoked, pushing parents to come up with other ways around the new mandate, including finding sympathetic doctors, home schooling or moving away.3077 min read
COVID-19 breakthrough infections are inevitable. The question is how we deal with them.
Pfizer CEO says people who spread misinformation on Covid vaccines are ‘criminals’
TUE, NOV 9TH 2021
Study says some individuals clear virus rapidly due to a strong immune response from existing T-cells, meaning tests record negative result
Pfizer asks FDA to authorize Covid booster shots for all adults
TUE, NOV 9TH 2021
November 11, 20212:07 AM EST
By Julie Steenhuysen CHICAGO, Nov 10 (Reuters)
Covid Pills May Help; But Won’t End Pandemic
Weary forecasters are loathe to say Covid pills will stop the virus.
Scholz Aims to ‘Winter Proof’ Germany
It will be mostly up to state governments to decide measures needed.
HK Quarantines 120 Kids After Pilot Infected
Wife of is a teacher at an international school kids attended.
Moderna and NIH Fight Over Vaccine Credit
U.S. government objects to Moderna listing only company scientists.
China Speeding Development of mRNA Vaccine
Homegrown vaccine will be used as a booster in fully immunized adults.
Regulators take a step closer to clearing the locally developed mRNA vaccines for use against Covid; social media app Xiaohongshu scores an $18 billion dollar valuation; and Chinese courts will blacklist people who sue under false pretenses
Nov 11, 2021 05:40 PM
Walvax and Suzhou Abogen win approval to test the new technology as a booster for inactivated-virus vaccines that are widely used in China
Nov 11, 2021 06:19 AM
As more L.A. County Black and Latino men get the COVID-19 vaccine, distrust lingers
#SouthKorea #Covid19 #Pandemic
Nov 9, 2021 DW News
South Korea has gone its own way in the fight against the Coronavirus. Testing was core to its strategy at the start of the pandemic. People used masks in private homes. An app closely monitored the population, enabling authorities to track infection chains. The vaccination campaign also quickly picked up speed. Now over 40 million people in South Korea have received at least one jab. That means over 80 percent of the population is fully or partially immunised among the highest vaccination rates in the world. Is South Korea a role model for the world? What can other countries learn?
By Denise Roland Nov. 6, 2021 5:30 am ET LONDON
COVID-19 has cost LAFD $22.5 million in overtime, much of it to cover for sick firefighters
The numbers underscore the toll that the coronavirus is taking on Fire Department staffing amid a battle over the city mandate that employees receive vaccinations.
Nov 11, 2021 DW News
The United States has been inoculating children between the ages of 5 and 11. It says the advantages outweigh the risks. Critics say there’s not enough data to be sure. Most schools around the world have re-opened. And the rate of infection among children is rising rapidly. Masks could protect pupils. Some people reject that, arguing that masks can inhibit a child's learning. Why is it so tricky to find the right solution for kids? What do we know about kids when it comes to COVID-19? Should they wear masks or get vaccinated?
Nov 9, 2021 DW News
Though still in the midst of complex coalition negotiations, the three parties that will probably make up Germany's next government have begun framing new rules to curb the coronavirus pandemic. They have been forced into action as Germany saw its highest 7-day incidence rate since the pandemic began. The chief German medical authority, the Robert Koch Institute, also recorded over 15,000 new cases on Sunday alone, a 60% rise on last Sunday. More than 250 million worldwide have been infected with the coronavirus, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University. The milestone comes as countries in eastern Europe are seeing record outbreaks, while many countries ease trade and travel restrictions. So far, more than 5 million people have died due to COVID-19. Europe is the most affected region in the world, registering more than 76 million COVID-19 infections. This is followed by Asia, with over 56 million cases, followed by the US and Canada with more than 48 million cases, and lastly, Latin America and the Caribbean with more than 46 million cases. Over the past seven days, nearly 449,000 new daily infections have been registered on average. Germany, for the second day in a row, reported record coronavirus incidence rates on Tuesday. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported the incidence rate — the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over the previous seven days — at 213.7. This is higher than Monday's figure of 201.1, which was the first time the rate passed 200 since the pandemic began. Germany reported 21,832 new cases and 169 new deaths, according to data from RKI.
China’s zero-Covid aim has zero chance now virus has adapted, Sars expert says
‘No chance’ of eliminating cases because virus ‘will stay with us’, Guan Yi says, adding China must find out people’s antibody level, not obsess about testing.
Unvaccinated people 16 times more likely to die from Covid-19: report
Health data from Australia’s New South Wales showed only 11 per cent of people who died from Covid-19 over four months were fully vaccinated.
Global Covid-19 cases pass 250 million as Europe outbreak worsens
The latest data comes as the pace of daily Covid-19 cases has started to pick up again since mid-October.
9 Nov 2021 - 2:20PM
Zeng Guang added that the ongoing booster vaccination drive remains critical
Nov 09, 2021 09:42 PM
COVID-19 hospital cases rise in parts of California, a potentially ominous sign
Hospitalizations have risen significantly in the Inland Empire and Central Valley, bringing new concerns about a wider spike as the winter holidays approach.
Thousands protest vaccination mandates as L.A.’s new rules kick in
“I am a shopper and a hoarder. I find reasons to keep things. The pandemic has absolutely made it worse. I used to be out. Now I’m home.”
Anndee Hochman, For The Inquirer
How does a pandemic start winding down? You're looking at it
November 9, 20218:09 AM EST
By Francesco Guarascio
Moderna’s patent application names several employees as the sole inventors of a crucial component of its coronavirus vaccine, excluding three government scientists.
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Rebecca Robbins
Nov. 9, 2021Updated 3:12 p.m. ET WASHINGTON — Moderna and the National Institutes of Health
Nov. 09, 2021 3:49 PM ET Moderna, Inc. (MRNA) By: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor2 Comments
November 10, 2021 8:00 am ET
KENILWORTH, N.J. & MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics today announced that the Japanese government will purchase, upon authorization or approval, approximately 1.6 million courses of molnupiravir (MK-4482, EIDD-2801), an investigational oral antiviral medicine.
#Germany #Covid19 #InfectionRate
Nov 8, 2021 DW News
In Germany, the number of new daily coronavirus infections has reached its highest level since the pandemic began. The public health authority says the seven-day average has climbed past 200 cases per 100,000 residents. With the vaccination rate stagnating at around 70 percent, more and more states are adopting tougher restrictions for unvaccinated residents. Children under 12 aren't yet eligible for a coronavirus vaccination – so for months, they’ve had to wear masks in school. Now some German states have done away with mandatory masks for primary schools – but with infection rates soaring, not everyone is happy about the decision.
Sri Lanka wants to revive tourism. Is that possible in a pandemic
Vaccinated non-American citizens from previously restricted countries—predominantly in Europe—are allowed to travel to the U.S. from today, if they have proof of vaccination and a negative Covid-19 test taken within the prior three days.4 min read
November 9, 2021 6:00 am ET
KENILWORTH, N.J. & MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics
As millions of people nationwide suffer from long-haul covid, patient advocates are cautiously hopeful that new research may unlock clues to other conditions that appear to crop up after infections, including chronic fatigue syndrome.
By Lori Aratani and Ian Duncan LIVE: CORONAVIRUS Access to these updates is free
By Laurie McGinley, Lena H. Sun and Tyler Pager
U.S. lifts COVID travel ban, starts welcoming back visitors after more than 18 months
The U.S. is letting in visitors from a host of countries, including Mexico, Canada and most European nations.
Nov 7, 2021 DW News
Austrians have been rushing to get COVID-19 vaccinations before strict new rules come into force. Health authorities in Austria have registered a record number of nearly ten thousand new infections in a single day. All over Austria, people are thronging to get jabbed. Long lines in front of Covid-19 vaccination centers, even busses converted into makeshift inoculation facilities. From Monday, anyone not at least partially vaccinated or recovered from a coronavirus infection is barred from entering cafes, restaurants or hair salons. In a month's time, they'll need to be fully vaccinated. Around 64 percent of Austria's population is fully vaccinated. That is below the average in Western Europe, and not enough to prevent a surge in coronavirus cases. Intensive care units are filling up fast. Increased immunity is seen as the only way to avoid another deadly wave of the pandemic.
China reports 50 more Covid-19 cases from latest outbreak
Hebei has now overtaken Heilongjiang as the province with the most cases as cities continue with mass testing and lockdowns.
Molnupiravir received its first approval in the U.K. earlier this week after clinical studies showed it prevented hospitalization by half among mild and moderate patients
Nov 06, 2021 05:15 PM
Treatment that could be taken at home at the first sign of symptoms could upend how the disease is treated and alter the course of the pandemic
Nov 06, 2021 02:48 AM
The Biden administration’s plan to vaccinate the federal workforce is succeeding in many quarters, but the exemptions sought by some employees are complicating efforts to return the government to full strength.
A tiny rural hospital whose leader refers to his employees as a family — and many in fact are family — has been splitting in two since the year started, when exactly 50 percent got vaccinated and 50 percent refused. Story by Eli Saslow
Court Halts U.S. Mandate; Europe Hit by New Wave: Virus Update
The Washington Post Opinion by Michele Genthon:
Covid-19 killed my brother and sister a week apart. It didn’t have to happen.
I skipped a few steps in the grieving process. I went straight to anger.
We’re avoiding the hardest questions about living with the coronavirus long term.
But are they a good idea?
By Sharon Lurye
Families with relatives in Europe and elsewhere are ready to reunite as travel rules loosen Monday. By Perry Stein
Opinion by the Editorial Board
A New Orleans-based federal appeals court said the Covid-19 vaccination and testing rules raise grave legal issues.3 min read
By Jennifer McRae November 3, 2021 at 1:05 pm
Nov 5, 2021 Sky News Australia
Thousands of protesters have descended on Melbourne’s CBD in a demonstration against the Victorian government's pandemic legislation. There are two rallies are taking place, with the larger movement involving more than 1,000 people, who are marching down Bourke Street to Parliament House. The crowd is taking a stand against new laws, which will come into force after December 15, giving Premier Daniel Andrews authority to declare a pandemic and the health minister the role of making public health orders. Police are monitoring the situation and are moving people on if they are blocking traffic. Protests are legal again in the state after a ban on gatherings was lifted when restrictions eased.
Nov 5, 2021 BBC News
University of Oxford scientists have uncovered a gene that doubles the risk of lung failure and death from Covid. Around 60% of people from South Asian backgrounds and 15% of people of European ancestry carry the high-risk version of the gene. Researchers say vaccines are key and help significantly reduce these risks.
About 60% of people from South Asian backgrounds carry a gene that puts them at higher risk.
Gene that doubles risk of dying from Covid-19 more common in South Asians
About 60 per cent of people with South Asian ancestry carry this version of the gene, compared to 15 per cent of people with European heritage, Oxford scientists find.
Nov 5, 2021 DW News
Germany's COVID infections are now higher than ever. And the numbers keep growing. That's despite a relatively high vaccination rate. Almost 70 percent of Germans are fully vaccinated against the virus. One of the main reasons are breakthrough infections - where the disease manages to bypass the jab. The only consolation for the vaccinated is that severe illness is rare.
In the U.K., where the path of the coronavirus has been more closely tracked than just about anywhere in the world, infections in fully vaccinated people are increasing.
Opinion: OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate Overkill
Exclusive: study raises hopes that Covid-related damage to sense of smell may be more superficial than previously feared
Laura Spinney Wed 3 Nov 2021 12.40 EDT
By Tiffany Stanley
Sinovac says data shows Covid-19 vaccine is safe for children, babies
Fourth jab may be needed for some Sinovac recipients, Hong Kong expert says
Professor David Hui says fourth booster shot may be needed for those who had earlier taken Sinovac jab, as antibody levels may be lower.
6 Nov 2021 - 10:22PM
Mexicans seek out new coronavirus jabs as US border restrictions relax
The rules specify that beginning on Monday only foreigners who have received World Health Organization-approved vaccines can cross.
Explainer | What are Covid-19 antiviral pills and why are they important?
Antiviral pills molnupiravir and paxlovid developed by US companies Merck and Pfizer have shown encouraging results in preventing serious forms of Covid-19.
6 Nov 2021 - 8:00PM
China insists zero tolerance approach to Covid-19 is here to stay
Official from the National Health Commission defends the policy as ‘in line with science’ as the country continues to battle sporadic outbreaks
6 Nov 2021 - 10:22PM
November 5, 202112:45 PM EDT United States Reuters
Veterans that chose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine and are dismissed from their posts will not receive any special protections or preferential evaluations for veterans’ benefits eligibility.
ByShirin Ali | Nov. 5, 2021
#Germany #Coronavirus #Pandemic
Nov 4, 2021 DW News
Germany registered a record number of COVID-19 cases on Thursday, breaking a record set in December 2020. Disease control agency the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 33,949 new infections in a single day. The news came one day after Health Minister Jens Spahn declared that Germany was living in a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and that the fourth wave of the virus was "in full force" across the country. What is the situation for hospitals and vaccines? As Germany's vaccination program lags behind other European countries, Spahn also warned that those unwilling to get vaccinated could face new restrictions, such as being barred from shops and restaurants. Recent figures from the RKI show that only 66.5% of Germans are fully vaccinated, compared to 88% in Portugal and 81% in Spain. Hospitals were also beginning to buckle under the pressure as the number of intensive care beds filled up, largely populated by the unvaccinated. On Wednesday night, the rate of hospitalizations per 100,000 residents over 7 days, the German government's new key statistic to measure the severity of the pandemic, rose to 3.62 up from 3.29 just the day before.
#Lativa #BalticStates #Covid19
Premiered Nov 3, 2021 DW News
The Baltic country has one of the highest COVID-19 case rates in the world. As Latvia struggles with spiking infections, its people are having to deal with a strict lockdown that experts say came too late.
Nov 5, 2021 CNBC Television
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sits down with CNBC's 'Squawk Box' and Meg Tirrell to discuss the company's oral Covid-19 antiviral, which was found to cut the risk of hospitalization and death by 89% in high-risk adults.
By Andrew Jeong
Health officials have met to discuss the possibility of fresh restrictions for the unvaccinated.
Many businesses will have to ensure that their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly for Covid-19 under a set of new vaccine requirements by the Biden administration that will cover more than 80 million employees.6 min read
Tanzania denied the existence of the pandemic for months, even as thousands likely died. The country is a clue to its hidden global toll; “This is one of the government’s coronavirus cemeteries, but we’re not allowed to call it that.”
Pfizer says Covid-19 pill cuts hospitalisation, deaths by 89 per cent
The company will submit the data to the US Food and Drug Administration for emergency use authorisation.
Western Australia maintains virus curbs till next year, as other states reopen
Western Australia, which has remained largely free of Covid-19, is holding out on reopening, setting a 90 per cent vaccination target, while other states open borders.
Gene that doubles risk of dying from Covid-19 more common in South Asians
About 60 per cent of people with South Asian ancestry carry this version of the gene, compared to 15 per cent of people with European heritage, Oxford scientists find.
5 Nov 2021 - 5:54AM
Chinese city turns traffic lights red as it raises Covid-19 barricades
Zhuanghe closes roads to discourage travel after outbreak reaches nearby port of Dalian, although country’s 68 new local infections fall from the midweek high.
Oxford Scientists Find Gene That Doubles Risk of Dying From Covid-19
Nov 4, 2021 DW News
Could it be the breakthrough treatment? Molnupiravir was developed to treat the flu, but caused a sensation when it was shown to be effective against COVID-19. Now the World Health Organization says it's looking to issue guidance for its use.
The drug, which will go by Lagevrio in the United Kingdom, is the first oral antiviral medicine for the treatment of covid-19 in adults. It has been submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for emergency authorization.
By Ellen Francis and Claire Parker
Britain is first to approve Merck’s Covid-19 pill
The country’s drug regulator recommended molnupiravir be used within five days of the onset of symptoms.
Molnupiravir was approved for use in people with mild to moderate Covid and at least one risk factor for developing severe illness.
Many businesses will have to ensure that their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly for Covid-19 under a set of new vaccine requirements by the Biden administration that will cover more than 80 million employees.
As the Delta variant puts China through one of its biggest Covid-19 outbreaks since it first closed off Wuhan in early 2020, new lockdowns and other strict controls are taking place across the country.
Some expectant mothers say they believe the risks of getting vaccinated outweigh the benefits, presenting a challenge to health authorities.
Federal officials said the policy would preempt any state efforts to limit its impact. Conservative governors and attorneys general have vowed a fight in court. By Eli Rosenberg
LIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
Matthew Busch for The New York Times
Moderna Crash Wipes Out Another $24 Billion After Supply-Chain Issues Dent Covid Vaccine Sales
ByJonathan Ponciano Forbes Staff
November 4, 2021 6:40 am ET
U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Authorizes Molnupiravir for the Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 in Adults With a Positive SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Test and Who Have at Least One Risk Factor for Developing Severe Illness
Applications Remain Under Review by Other Regulatory Authorities, Including U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency
KENILWORTH, N.J. & MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Merck (NYSE: MRK), known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics today announced that the United Kingdom Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has granted authorization in the United Kingdom (U.K.) for molnupiravir (MK-4482, EIDD-2801), the first oral antiviral medicine authorized for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults with a positive SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test and who have at least one risk factor for developing severe illness. In the U.K., LAGEVRIO® (lah-GEV-ree-oh) is the planned trademark for molnupiravir; the trademark for molnupiravir in other countries has not been approved. Merck announced its application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of molnupiravir is under review and recently announced the European Medicines Agency has initiated a rolling review of the company’s Marketing Authorization Application. Merck is actively working to submit applications to other regulatory agencies around the world.
#PalestinianTerritories #Coronavirus #Vaccines
Nov 1, 2021 DW News
The coronavirus knows no boundaries. That makes it even harder to fight in the Palestinian territories, which are pockmarked with borders and check points. Then there's all the misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccines. Still the vaccination rate in the West Bank and Gaza is now around 50 percent. Officials say a vaccine mandate for civil servants has helped push the rate higher. And the pandemic is adding another layer of difficulty to life in Gaza. Because it's taken so long to get that vaccine drive going, hospitals are strained. The health system was already in a mess. The economy too. DW correspondent Tania Kraemer reports.
By Lena H. Sun and Katie Shepherd
LIVE: CORONAVIRUSAccess to these updates is free
By Lindsey Konkel | Consumer Reports
FT analysis shows an additional 753,000 people have died during the pandemic compared with historical trends
Polina Ivanova in Moscow and John Burn-Murdoch and Oliver Barnes in London
Updated NOVEMBER 1 2021 by FT Visual & Data Journalism team
Find any country or US state in the live-updating and customisable version of the FT’s Covid-19 trajectory charts
Brent Johnson
And other pandemic plot lines.
Novavax Files COVID-19 Vaccine for Provisional Approval in New ZealandNov 3, 2021
- Submission to New Zealand's Medsafe marks the first protein-based COVID-19 vaccine submitted for authorization to regulatory authorities in New Zealand
- All modules required for regulatory review of Novavax vaccine, including CMC data, are now complete for Medsafe
GAITHERSBURG, Md., Nov. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a biotechnology company dedicated to developing and commercializing next-generation vaccines for serious infectious diseases, today announced the company has filed for provisional approval of the vaccine to the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe).
Nov 2, 2021 DW News
Moscow is back under its tightest lockdown restrictions in over a year - after daily COVID-19 deaths hit another new record. Despite the surge in cases, the majority of Russians have yet to heed urgent calls to get vaccinated.
Zhong Nanshan argues that treating Covid-19 patients after they have been infected would cost more
Nov 02, 2021 04:41 PM
Suvarnabhumi Airport welcomed the first group of international travelers Monday after Thailand allowed quarantine-free travel to fully vaccinated visitors from over 60 countries, including China, the U.K., and the U.S. The Grand Palace, Bangkok’s most famous landmark, reopened to the public on the same day, after being closed due to Covid-19. The vaccine policy is aimed at reviving the country’s tourism industry which has reportedly lost more than 3 million jobs
Nov 02, 2021 07:17 PM
Nov. 02, 2021 5:05 PM ET BioNTech SE (BNTX), PFE By: Jonathan M Block, SA News Editor
Pfizer and Moderna shots are less effective in people with weak immune systems, a study finds.
By Lena H. Sun and Katie Shepherd
Experts advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are meeting to consider whether to broadly recommend the use of the Covid-19 vaccine in children ages 5 to 11 years.
Naturally acquired immunity is at the center of a political fight over President Biden’s vaccine mandates.
By Lena H. Sun and Joel Achenbach
Turns out, it’s hard to adjust to a new normal when that new normal keeps changing.
#Coronavirus #Pandemic #DeathToll
Nov 1, 2021 DW News
The coronavirus pandemic has now claimed 5-million lives. Nearly two years after the first outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, Covid-19 remains a leading cause of death around the world. The United States has the highest official toll, with more than 700,000 recorded deaths - and less than 60 percent of the population fully vaccinated. Brazil has also been dealt a heavy blow - losing more than 600,000 lives. And India's second wave ruined the country's hope of avoiding the worst. The official death toll there stands at just over 450,000. But many researchers estimate the real number is at least a million. Germany is also seeing a sharp increase in new coronavirus cases. Numbers are up from just under 500 new infections per day in mid-July to more than 27,000 new cases in one day at the end of last week. Concerns over a possible fourth wave have health officials pushing for a rapid rollout of booster shots before winter. But what's also worrying is the number of fully-vaccinated people among the new cases. DW’s Tessa Walther spoke with a doctor who's become a patient.
The U.S. has the highest number of total confirmed deaths, followed by Brazil, India and Mexico, according to Johns Hopkins data.3 min read
Oct 30, 2021 ABC News (Australia)
While Australia's drug regulator gave the green light for COVID booster shots this week, Israel is already months ahead in its third dose campaign. Boosters have been administered to nearly four million Israelis, driving down infections and severe illness that surged in August, and allowing life to return to a relative normal. Middle East correspondent Tom Joyner reports.
The agency said foreign-national children who haven’t been vaccinated against the coronavirus won’t need to self-quarantine once a travel ban on visitors from 33 countries is lifted on Nov. 8.By Rachel Pannett
Infections, hospitalizations and deaths decline in most states. “We may be at a turning point,” one medical official says.
Chinese city on emergency footing to fend off coronavirus outbreak
Qiqihar stops people leaving the city without a negative test taken within the previous 48 hours.
Gallery: Beijing Locks Down Some Areas to Contain Delta
The CDC's vaccine advisers are scheduled to meet Tuesday to evaluate the shot, and are expected to vote in favor of its use
Thousands of municipal workers have protested the mayor’s mandate, but the measure has largely worked.
By Eric Lach
But US agencies say the virus, first identified in China, was not developed as a biological weapon.
#9News #BreakingNews #NineNewsAustralia
Oct 30, 2021 9 News Australia
Novavax has completed its application to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for provisional approval of its COVID-19 vaccine.
Nov. 01, 2021 6:36 AM ET Novavax, Inc. (NVAX) By: Aakash Babu, SA News Editor
Novavax and Serum Institute of India Receive Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 Vaccine in Indonesia
Nov 1, 2021
GAITHERSBURG, Md. and PUNE, India, Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a biotechnology company dedicated to developing and commercializing next-generation vaccines for serious infectious diseases, and Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. (SII), the world's largest vaccine manufacturer by volume, today announced that the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia, or Badan Peng was Obat dan Makanan (Badan POM), has granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for Novavax' recombinant nanoparticle protein-based COVID-19 vaccine with Matrix-M™ adjuvant. It will be manufactured by SII in India and marketed by SII in Indonesia under the brand name COVOVAX™.
The unexpected absence of older American workers is complicating an already difficult labor shortage, since no one knows how many will return.
The agency needs more time to evaluate whether the shot increases the risk of a rare cardiac side effect, the company said. Moderna also said it would delay asking the FDA for authorization of its vaccine for children 6 to 11 years old. By Laurie McGinley
By Robyn Dixon
Hong Kong says it will end quarantine exemptions for most groups, while other countries eased off.
By Dave Seminara | Commentary
Global Covid-19 death toll tops 5 million. What’s next?
Two of the attractions at the resort closed their doors after authorities in neighboring Zhejiang province uncovered a case of someone who had visited the theme park
Nov 01, 2021 06:33 PM
The theme park said Sunday night that it will close its Disneyland and Disneytown areas to comply with the Covid-19 prevention requirements of the Shanghai government after a person who tested positive had reported visiting the resort on Saturday. On Sunday night, all visitors were asked to take nucleic acid tests before exiting. People who had visited the resort over the weekend were required to report to their residential communities, take four more nucleic acid tests, and isolate themselves. As of 8 a.m. Monday, more than 30,000 people have been tested. No positive cases have been found
Nov 01, 2021 07:10 PM
Epidemic prevention officials should stick to promoting tried-and-true methods like mask mandates and limits on public gatherings, rather than resorting to novel tactics that accomplish very little
Nov 01, 2021 08:16 PM
More than 1,000 people on average are still dying of covid-19 every day in the United States. However, the country has entered a new phase of the pandemic in which people are adapting to the persistent presence of an endemic but usually nonlethal pathogen. By Joel Achenbach and Yasmeen Abutaleb
1 November 2021 Call for experts Issued on: 1 November 2021
Re-opening call for applications from 1 to 3 November 2021
WHO is re-opening the call for applications for three additional days to encourage additional applications from the fields of social science/anthropology/ethics/political science and biosafety/biosecurity.
The call will open from 1-3 November 2021, closing at 24:00CET 3 November. Applications require a Curriculum Vitae, a cover letter, and signed DOI form.
Please note applicants who have already submitted an expression of interest for the SAGO do not need to re-apply; this re-opening of applications is intended for new expressions of interest only.
Oct 29, 2021 WION
Wuhan Virus cases and deaths are surging for the first time in 2 months. 6 Million people are under lockdown in China, Russia has recorded its highest daily deaths, Tonga has recorded its first-ever case of the Wuhan Virus. Palki Sharma brings you a report.
WHO chief calls on G20 nations to end coronavirus vaccination crisis
Oct 29, 2021 ABC News
Following Food and Drug Administration authorization, if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention greenlights the Pfizer vaccine, children 5 to 11 may be able to get shots as early as next week.
Oct 29, 2021 DW News
As winter approaches, cases of COVID-19 are rising across Europe. Eastern Europe and the Baltics are seeing the highest numbers, and some countries and cities are turning to lockdowns to pull them back from the brink. Latvia has the highest rate of new cases of any European Union country, with nearly 900 cases per 100,000 residents reported in the last week. The government imposed a nationwide lockdown on October 21 -- the first in Europe this autumn. EU members Slovenia and Estonia are also considering lockdowns. Both are also seeing a weekly case rate of over 500 per 100,000 people. In all three of these countries only a little over half of the population has been fully vaccinated. DW Correspondent Teri Schultz reports from the Latvian capital Riga.
Supreme Court Allows Vaccine Mandate Without Religious Opt-Out
Pfizer Won the First Round, But Moderna Sees Final Victory Ahead
U.S. Spies Say Covid-19’s Origins Will Remain Unclear Without China’s Help
Covid Vaccines Protect Better Than Earlier Infection, CDC Says
Brooke Sutherland
A declassified U.S. intelligence report says that if the novel coronavirus leaked from the lab it was likely the result of an accident.
The shot is expected to be available next week, after reviews by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its advisers.By Laurie McGinley and Katie Shepherd
Opinion by Henry Olsen
By Aaron Gregg
Global vaccine inequality threatens both the unvaccinated poor and the vaccinated rich.
US report leaves open possibility Covid-19 resulted from lab incident
It would be unethical to waste doses while thousands are dying with Covid daily, former world leaders say.
CDC research adds to the body of knowledge demonstrating the strength of vaccines against contracting the disease.
Oct 29, 2021 CNBC Television
NBC's Gabe Gutierrez joins The News with Shepard Smith to discuss protests against New York City's vaccine mandate and the impact it could have on basic services.
#VaccineDistribution #BoosterShots #Coronavirus
Oct 29, 2021 DW News
The global disparity in vaccinations has left billions of people in poorer countries vulnerable to COVID-19. Innoculating only half the world also increases the risk of a new variant arising, that could resist the vaccines. That would endanger people in developed countries too - no matter how many times they'd been vaccinated.The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm.The WHO's Covax initiative has seen more than 300-million doses shipped to more than 140 countries, far less than what's needed. As the global death toll from COVID climbs health experts are urging more people to get the jab. Not just for your own good, but for those more vulnerable or who don't yet have access. The longer this takes, the more people will die.
My Take | It’s more ‘follow the politics’ than ‘follow the science’
Hong Kong’s Covid-19 measures do not appear to be necessary to protect public health but are more about persuading the central government to open the border.
SCMP Columnist Cliff Buddle
Oct 28, 2021 DW News
Moscow went into lockdown Thursday until November 7 to combat a surge in COVID cases. It comes as Russia officially recorded more than 40,000 new COVID infections and 1,159 deaths. Russia has officially recorded nearly 8.4 million cases and more than 235,000 deaths since the pandemic began, though the official statistics agency Rosstat said in October there have been 400,000 deaths due to COVID-19. Independent experts say Russian authorities have severely understated coronavirus figures in the country. The Moscow lockdown is the strictest since June of 2020. Retail outlets, restaurants, sporting and entertainment venues, schools and kindergartens will all be closed and only shops selling food and medicine and other essentials are permitted to remain open. AFP reports many were planning on using the paid holiday Putin ordered last week from October 30 to November 7 to go on holiday, with demand surging for airline tickets to Turkey and Egypt and the mayor of Sochi preparing for an influx of tourists. Muscovites were not being ordered to stay home and the metro remained packed, with many foregoing masks. Hospitals in the capital are also slammed with COVID-19 cases. Despite the availability of a vaccine, the Russian Sputnik V, many remain hesitant to get the jab and only 32% of the population is fully vaccinated, according to the Gogov website which tracks COVID figures. Russian President Vladimir Putin has lamented the unwillingness of Russians to get vaccinated. Kommersant reports the presidential administration is working on a relaunch of its COVID-19 vaccine campaign with a less vexing message focusing on freedom from lockdown as opposed to scary consequences such as death if one fails to get the shot. Experts had urged the Russian government to set up a group to conduct the campaign and focus broadly on the regions but that message went largely unheeded.
Fluvoxamine is currently used to treat mental health conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Third Chinese city placed under Covid-19 lockdown
Heihe, a city on the Russian border, has ordered people to stay at home and imposed travel curbs following one new case.
Simone McCarthy Published: 10:30pm, 27 Oct, 2021
The country spent much of the pandemic isolated and living like it was 2019. The delta variant is forcing it to confront realities the rest of the world faced up to long ago.
Businesses have urged Beijing to implement a plan to end the strict pandemic regime, warning of the increasing economic toll, as much of the world has begun opening borders.
Singapore sees record 5,324 new coronavirus cases in ‘unusual surge’
Elsewhere, New Zealand says it will begin scaling back border restrictions next month, and Australia advises ‘caution’ overseas ahead of border reopening.
WHO tracking Covid ‘Delta Plus’, now in at least 42 countries
The World Health Organization said it was closely tracking a Delta subvariant to determine whether it was more transmissible than the original strain.
28 Oct 2021 - 2:58PM
By Andrew Jeong
The change will allow millions of people with mental health conditions to get booster shots. By Jenna Portnoy
By Naema Ahmed, Dan Keating, Garland Potts, Monica Ulmanu and Jessica Wolfrom
With FDA authorization for a kid-size COVID vaccine pending, a pediatrician and infectious-disease expert weighs in on what’s next.
A Brazilian parliamentary committee is blaming the president for the high coronavirus death rate.
Sam Baker, Kavya Beheraj Health
Shawna Chen, Rebecca Falconer Health
It will become the first major Wall Street bank to make the vaccine a condition of employment.
Oct 28, 2021 BBC News
Shops, restaurants and schools have shut in Moscow in a partial lockdown, only essential shops like supermarkets and pharmacies are allowed to open in the capital, while food outlets are only providing takeaways. Authorities have also given workers across Russia nine days off from Saturday in a bid to curb infections. Russia has reported a record 1,159 deaths from Covid in the past 24 hours, while there’s been a record 40,096 new infections in 85 regions of Russia. Russia's overall Covid death toll in the pandemic is officially more than 230,000, the highest in Europe and one of the highest in the world.
Russia closes non-essential services and sends workers home amid record Covid deaths.
Oct 28, 2021 DW News
July 19 was Freedom Day in England. The day the country lifted almost all coronavirus restrictions - there were no more masks and no more social distancing. Other parts of the UK soon followed. But did it come too early?
There have been protests but much of Europe has accepted the QR codes as a means of extending freedoms.
Senators in Brazil vote to recommend charging the president over his handling of the pandemic.
Oct 26, 2021 Forbes Breaking News
The FDA Advisory Panel recommended Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine for children after 5-11 at a hearing on Tuesday.
Pfizer Covid Vaccine for Younger Kids Wins FDA Panel’s Backing
Pediatric Covid Hospital Visits Plunge in U.S. as Schools Reopen
Pfizer Kids Shot Backed by FDA Panel; Africa Doses: Virus Update
By Laurie McGinley and Katie Shepherd
The Trump administration was “distracted” by last year’s election and ignored recommendations to curb the pandemic, the White House’s former coronavirus response coordinator told congressional investigators this month.
Experts advising the Food and Drug Administration recommended that the agency authorize the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech for use in young children.3095 min read
Nadia Lam Published: 11:06pm, 26 Oct, 2021
By Huang Tzu-ti, Taiwan News, Staff Writer2021/10/26 17:58 TAIPEI (Taiwan News)
55964 By Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer2021/02/04 12:50 TAIPEI (Taiwan News)
Oct 25, 2021 DW News
The coronavirus pandemic is adding another layer of difficulty to life in Gaza. Vaccination uptake remains sluggish among the territory's 2 million inhabitants, and as DW Middle-East correspondent Tania Kraemer reports from Gaza City, COVID-19 is further straining an already weak health system at a time the economy is struggling and people are trying to rebuild.
Merck is licensing molnupiravir, an antiviral it developed with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, to a group that will pick drugmakers to make the pill for low- and middle-income countries.
By Adam Taylor and Claire Parker
U.S. companies are increasingly relying on a closed-door system to settle employee and consumer grievances. Family Dollar closed 1,135 arbitration cases last year, up from three in 2019. By Abha Bhattarai
Hong Kong’s change to Covid-19 quarantine rules has business groups exasperated
Even after city moves to meet Beijing’s conditions for reopening border, firms still frustrated that long-awaited easing has yet to happen.
27 Oct 2021 - 12:49PM
Covid-19 deaths hit record high in Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria
Covid-19 infections and deaths are on the rise again in eastern Europe, as the region grapples with its worst outbreak since the pandemic started and inoculation efforts lag.
Reuters | Updated: 27-10-2021 22:43 IST | Created: 27-10-2021 22:40 IST
Oct 25, 2021 DW News
The World Health Organization has urged wealthier nations to ensure equal access to vaccines for poorer countries. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says "the pandemic will end when the world chooses to end it." He was speaking at a summit of global health industry lead