Dr. John Campbell Jun 14, 2024
Fauci congressional hearings indicate lab leak scenario. The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 https://www.nature.com/articles/s4159... Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus. Although the evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a purposefully manipulated virus, we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible. More scientific data could swing the balance of evidence to favor one hypothesis over another. Obtaining related viral sequences from animal sources would be the most definitive way of revealing viral origins. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/La... Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19 We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin. We support the call from the Director-General of WHO to promote scientific evidence and unity over misinformation and conjecture
The lab leak theory in 2 minutes: A Chinese-American research collaboration intended to study viruses like SARS-CoV-2. The Americans intended to export the research to a low biosafety level in Wuhan but kept it secret because fellow scientists would "freak out." via @quay_dr
Richard Ebright identifies the source of the intensity around the COVID origins debate as a culture in virology that resists considering the enormous unintended consequences of gain-of-function research and resists regulation. @R_H_Ebright
Dr. Fauci said "I don't recall" 174 times during his deposition in Biden v. Missouri Not only is it factually incorrect and demeaning to call Dr. @Ayjchan "fuzzy" on COVID origins But Dr. Fauci has lost intellectual authority following his COVID amnesia under oath.
Senator Ron Johnson@SenRonJohnson
In Eisenhower’s farewell address, he warned us that government-funded research would corrupt science. We did not heed his warning, and saw his predicted “scientific-technological elite” completely fail during the COVID pandemic. Exhibits A & B: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Garry.
Richard H. Ebright@R_H_Ebright
"[R]esearch at the Wuhan Institute of Virology resulted in a modified virus that was 10,000 times more infectious in lungs, 1 million times more infectious in brains and three times more lethal in humanized lab mice, Ebright testified earlier this week"
Dr. Anthony Fauci writes COVID-19 lab leak is a 'conspiracy theory'...
From nypost.com 1:36 AM · Jun 21, 2024
By Social Links forJosh ChristensonPublished June 20, 2024 Updated June 20, 2024, 7:13 p.m. ET
The origin, of the origin, of the origin, of covid is becoming clearer...
Richard H. Ebright@R_H_Ebright
"The fact that those conducting and funding…dangerous pandemic research have for so long successfully resisted independent oversight of their work is why the investigation into the lab leak origins of COVID is so important, argues Richard Ebright"
Dr. John Campbell Jun 12, 2024
Important statement from Dr. Joseph Fraiman, physician and clinical scientist.
Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults / josephfraiman https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055...
My interview with Dr. Fraiman • Serious adverse events Transcript
WHO secrecy
Apr 12 2024
Interview with leading researcher James Roguski on the new international health regulations from the WHO.
Apr 24, 2024 03:31 AM WORLD
By Xu Wen and Denise Jia
Researchers find Covid viral persistence not only exists in adults, but also in children.
Growing evidence suggests that symptoms associated with post-Covid condition, known as long Covid, can affect multiple organs and systems in the human body, yet the connection to the virus is not clear, a study published Monday in The Lancet shows.
The study carried out at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing after the wave of infections from the Covid-19 omicron variant in December 2022, was to investigate the persistence of the virus in tissues and its association with long Covid symptoms.
Bird Flu Is Spreading. Did We Learn Nothing From Covid?
By Katherine Eban May 1, 2024 NEW YORK
This two-year investigation was produced in collaboration with students at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York who have since graduated.
Audrey Carleton, Bruce Gil, Emily Nadal, and Zachary Smith contributed to this report.
Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?
PUBLISHED: 07:39 EDT, 6 May 2024 | UPDATED: 08:37 EDT, 6 May 2024
Dr. John Campbell May 5, 2024
Thousands (or is it millions) believe covid vaccines harmed them https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/he... May 3, 2024
Case study, 37 year old woman Fit and well Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts. Now, + 3 years Diagnosed with brain damage, cannot work, drive or stand for long periods of time. ‘devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost’ As of April 2024, over 13,000 vaccine-injury compensation claims filed with the federal government 19% have been reviewed 47% deemed eligible for compensation https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp/cicp-data 12 claims paid out, average of $3,600 Akiko Iwasaki, immunologist, vaccine expert, Yale University people who say they have post-vaccination injuries are “just completely ignored and dismissed and gaslighted,” Dr. Janet Woodcock, retired, FDA some recipients, uncommon but “serious” and “life-changing” reactions beyond those described by federal agencies. “I feel bad for those people,” “I believe their suffering should be acknowledged, that they have real problems, and they should be taken seriously.” “I’m disappointed in myself,” “I did a lot of things I feel very good about, but this is one of the few things I feel I just didn’t bring it home.” Article then comments on disparate US health care systems No central repository of vaccine recipients Government’s compensation fund, officially recognizes few side effects for Covid vaccines. And vaccine supporters, including federal officials, worry that even a whisper of possible side effects feeds into misinformation spread by a vitriolic anti-vaccine movement. Patients who believe they experienced serious side effects say they have received little support or acknowledgment. SB, 54, nurse practitioner, (man) New York City ever since his first Covid shot, merely standing up sent his heart racing, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome stinging pain in his eyes, mouth and genitals, which has abated, and tinnitus, which has not. AF “I can’t get the government to help me,” “I am told I’m not real. I’m told I’m rare. I’m told I’m coincidence.” RF, 49, physical therapist, (woman) Seattle Bell's palsy dramatic facial rash shingles RF reported it to federal databases twice. “I thought for sure someone would reach out, but no one ever did,” Interviews with 30 people Neurological, autoimmune, cardiovascular. All said they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family and friends BC, doctor, (man) tinnitus and racing heart lasted about a week after each shot. GP, doctor, (man) loud whooshing sound in his ears had accompanied every moment since his first shot, entreaties to colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to explore the phenomenon, tinnitus, had led nowhere. “If they have done studies, those studies should be published,” CDC recognises Agency has documented only four serious but rare side effects Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Guillain Barre, blood clotting disorder mRNA vaccines, heart inflammation, or myocarditis Anaphylaxis Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, director, C.D.C.’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. agency’s systems for monitoring vaccine safety are “pretty close” to ideal, he said. The C.D.C. has said there were no confirmed deaths related to myocarditis, but in fact there have been several accounts of deaths reported post-vaccination.
By Reuters May 8, 20249:12 AM EDT
May 08, 2024 7:06 AM ET
By: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor5 Comments
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic@COVIDSelect BREAKING
NEW State Department documents reviewed by @COVIDSelect suggest COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China and the CCP covered it up. These classified documents were previously released in an unclassified and highly redacted FOIA production to @USRightToKnow. Today, Chairman @RepBradWenstrup requested @StateDept rapidly declassify the documents and share the truth about the origins of COVID-19 with the American people
May 7, 2024
The Honorable Antony J. Blinken Secretary U.S. Department of State 2201 C St., NW Washington, D.C. 20451
Dear Secretary Blinken:
The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (Select Subcommittee) is investigating the origins of COVID-19. Since April 2, 2020, Committee on Oversight and Accountability Republicans have investigated the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) role in obscuring the truth regarding the initial outbreak, and whether any U.S. taxpayer dollars funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) dangerous gain-of-function research.
1 On February 27, 2023 we wrote to the Department requesting information pertinent to this investigation.
2 Pursuant to that letter, the Department recently produced classified documents to the Select Subcommittee that were previously released in an unclassified and highly redacted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) production to U.S. Right to Know.
3 These documents contain highly pertinent information that credibly suggests: 1) COVID-19 originated from a lab-related accident in Wuhan, China; 2) The CCP acted to prevent, and in fact obstructed, a fulsome investigation into these matters; and 3) A seamless relationship between the WIV and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The American people deserve to see the information that is hidden under these redactions.
NEW emails suggest that EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak intentionally obstructed
's investigation into his use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in China. Did he employ his publicist to help?
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic
There’s a New Covid Variant. What Will That Mean for Spring and Summer?
The pandemic virus continues to be a bigger killer than the flu, even amid hopes it will one day fade into the background with other respiratory diseases.
By Jason Gale May 20, 2024 at 6:00 AM EDT
Status: ActiveAdvisory number:240522Date issued:21 May 2024Issued
by:Dr Clare Looker, Chief Health OfficerIssued to:Victorian public and health professionals
What you need to know HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT26 May 2024
‘No reason to panic’ in Singapore, even with latest wave of Covid-19 infections
Hong Kong doctors must be ‘vigilant against upsurge’ of whooping cough cases
Half of Japan’s Covid-19 experts faced threats, abuse by ‘anti-vaxxers’: survey
Now is the time to talk about vaccines, but Covid-19 leaves polarising legacy
SUMMARY FAQs including the latest timetable for vaccine rollout and vaccine efficacy data plus news and updates on research into a vaccine to combat the new strain of coronavirus which has infected tens of millions of people and led to the deaths of more than a million around the globe.
Dr. John Campbell Mar 21, 2024
And excess deaths and changes in the causes of death. / 1769790511475212394
The long term sick has risen by over 700,000 people since the spring of 2021, this coincides with the rollout of the experimental Covid 19 vaccine. https://www.hartgroup.org/rise-in-lon... https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj...
What We Know About Bird Flu in Dairy Cows and People
Former New York Times reporter said he became sceptical of hypothesis involving Wuhan laboratory after virologists said it wasn’t possible
Susie Coen, US CORRESPONDENT 26 March 2024 • 7:54pm
Moderna Achieves Positive Interim Results from Phase 3 Trial of Next-Generation COVID-19 Vaccine
26 March 2024
Moderna Advances Multiple Vaccine Programs to Late-Stage Clinical Trials
27 March 2024
CBS 8 San Diego Mar 18, 2024 •
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory for Americans traveling internationally for spring break. The advisory was issued after 58 cases of measles have been reported in the U.S. including one in San Diego County and the number is growing around the world. The CDC says almost all of the cases were connected to travel outside of the U.S. and has updated its travel guidelines, now recommending Americans check in with their doctors six weeks before international travel to confirm that they are up-to-date on their measles vaccines.
CBS News Mar 13, 2024
Chicago health officials have linked at least seven cases of a measles outbreak to a migrant shelter in the city. Susan Bleasdale, the chief quality officer at University of Illinois Hospital and Health, joined CBS News to discuss the outbreak.
Dr. John Campbell Mar 3, 2024
Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’ MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’ Tweet from Andrew Bridgen with the letter in full / abridgen Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’ MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024...
MPs and peers have accused the Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine to excess deaths A cross-party group “growing public and professional concerns” UK’s rates of excess deaths since 2020 Demand to be shown the underlying data for to support the Government’s assertion, “no evidence” linking excess deaths to the vaccines for Covid-19. 21 MPs and peers “If those data do indeed exist, please share them; if thorough investigations have already ruled out such a link, please share the relevant reports,” “There is no place here for blind faith.” Written to Health Secretary Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Potentially critical data, which maps the date of people’s Covid vaccine doses to the date of their deaths, have been released to pharmaceutical companies but not put into the public domain. Data should be released “on the same anonymised basis that it was shared with the pharmaceutical groups, and there seems to be no credible reason why that should not be done immediately”. “Questions about these trends, however, have to date been met by a relative wall of silence from your organisations and other public health officials.” A DHSC spokesman “We are committed to data transparency and publish a wide range of data on excess mortality. The datasets published are kept under constant review.”
The number of children who visited emergency rooms for unsupervised melatonin consumption increased 420% from 2009 to 2020.
To rein in spiraling spending, employers are discontinuing reimbursement or placing new limits on who is covered.
Processed doesn't always mean the food is unhealthy, but it is more likely to be high in calories and low in nutrition.February 29, 2024
CBS Evening News Feb 23, 2024
In response to a measles outbreak at a Florida elementary school, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has defied more than 50 years of established medical guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ladapo is leaving attendance decisions to parents, is not recommending the measles vaccine or requiring unvaccinated people to stay home. Manuel Bojorquez reports.
February 21, 2024
Do You Really Want to Find Out If You'll Get Alzheimer's?
Would you want to know there’s something going wrong in your brain — even if there’s no cure?
It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now. Here’s a Guide.
Dr. John Campbell Feb 20, 2024
Dr. Clare Craig's boson the pandemic, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Expired-unto... Actually, war time levels of deaths. UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 49,389 (9.44%) Covid deaths, 18,591 UK, 2022 52,514 (9.26%) UK excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 101,903 Height of the Blitz, September 1940 to May 1941 UK civilian deaths, 40,000 Total civilian deaths for WW2, 70,000 US, weeks 1 – 37, 2023 155,763 (7.8%) Covid deaths, 76,187 US, 2022 495,749 (17.53) US excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 651,512 Total US deaths in Vietnam war The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/h... Hungary, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -3,785 (-3.2%) Poland, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 104 (0.13%) Slovak republic, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 -774 (-1.54%) Sweden, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -529 (0.6%) COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Expired-unto... For friends in the US get your copy here, https://www.amazon.com/Expired-untold... This dataset presents the latest data on All-cause death statistics Excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths, by week, for all OECD countries for which data are available. The expected number of deaths is based on the average number of deaths for the same week, (2015-19) This baseline could be considered a lower estimate of the expected number of deaths since both population growth and an ageing population would be expected to push up the number of deaths observed each year. For example, New Zealand saw its population grow by around 9% since 2015, with the number of people aged 65 and over increasing by 18%.
Dr. John Campbell Feb 16, 2024
First seen early 2021. Discussion with Mr. Richard Hirschman.
Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links to Health Conditions
Editorial Board
The World Can’t Abandon the Fight Against Malaria
Barbara Laker and David Gambacorta
Dr. John Campbell Feb 15, 2024
Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy. Ros has joined forces with a number health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here: www.lighthousedeclaration.world – adding your signature will take less than a minute.
15 Feb 2024 - 6:55PM
Dr. John Campbell Feb 6, 2024
With Dr. Peter McCullough and Nicolas Hulscher (paper authors). Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine- induced myocarditis https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/f... Myocarditis autopsy paper: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/f...
VAERS myocarditis paper: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1... preprint autopsy paper: https://zenodo.org/records/8120771 Spike protein detoxification paper: https://www.cureus.com/articles/20765...
We will also cite the Nakahara paper and the Krausen paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37724... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37758...
Dr. John Campbell Dr. John Campbell Feb 7, 2024
Time for serious action and answers
Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines)
Dr. John Campbell Jan 31, 2024
Early heart disease deaths rise to 14-year high Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020 Heart and circulatory diseases cause around a quarter of all deaths in England, Over 140,000 deaths each year, or one death every four minutes. Healthcare costs relating to heart and circulatory diseases, £8.3 billion each year. The cost of cardiovascular disease to the wider economy in England, (including premature death, disability and informal costs), is estimated to be £22 billion each year. Latest NHS England figures show that the number of people waiting for cardiac care at the end of November in England was 402,208. The heart care waiting list is 72% larger than in February 2020. This is an increase of 169,000 people – enough to fill Wembley stadium nearly twice over. In 2022 Over 39,000 people in England died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions, heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke, an average of 750 people each week. It is the highest annual total since 2008. Since 2020, the premature death rate for cardiovascular disease has risen year-on-year This is the first time there has been a clear reversal in the trend for almost 60 years. The BHF says more analysis is needed to understand what is driving the trend. Dr Sonya Babu-Narayan, Associate Medical Director at the BHF and Consultant Cardiologist, said: We are still seeing more people than expected die from cardiovascular conditions overall – more than any other disease group. It’s clear to me that urgent intervention is long overdue. In January 2023, the Government announced a Major Conditions Strategy to tackle the biggest drivers of ill health and early death in England https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj...
A second deaf patient is undergoing the treatment produced by Eli Lilly at CHOP on Friday.
The UN health agency said holiday gatherings and a new variant have fueled COVID cases globally. January 11, 2024
February 10, 2024
January 31, 2024
Case rates are increasing, especially for Black and Hispanic women.
Dr. John Campbell Jan 27, 2024
Direct link to parliament TV, https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index... Link to Hansard full transcript, https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons... Miriam Cates (Penistone and Stocksbridge) (Con) I will be brief, because it is clear that there is far more demand to speak in the debate than there is time. That shows that we absolutely need a longer debate; we need a debate on the Floor of the House, because it is not just Members present who want to speak, and members of the public have shown enormous interest. I will not go over the excellent points that have been made and the data that has been shared. We know we have a problem in this country with excess deaths, particularly among younger people and particularly from cardiovascular disease. That, in itself, is a huge challenge. We need medical experts and statisticians to address those issues—I am not qualified to do so. What I will say is this: lockdown changed everything. Our response to covid changed everything. Just as we look back on different periods of history—before the war; before the industrial revolution—I believe we will look back at before and after lockdown. Lockdown has changed our economy and how we relate to each other. It has changed our health and our understanding of children’s development. The conditions under which those decisions were made—decisions that were overwhelmingly wrong, in my opinion, although I do not blame any individuals, given the pressure they were under—have not changed. The conditions under which we suspended the precautionary principle, ignored the fact that interventions may cause harm, suspended the importance of children’s education, suspended the safeguarding of children, suspended the need for medical trials and suspended all sorts of safeguards that have stood society in good stead for a long time have not changed. The conditions in Government, the media and wider society under which those decisions were made have not changed because, unfortunately, we have not yet got to the heart of the matter. Why did that pressure come from the media? Why did we have to follow what other countries were doing? Why were we obsessed with particular points of data, such as deaths from covid, rather than considering the wider impact on society? My concern about the covid inquiry is that it is asking all the wrong questions. It is concerned with who swore at whom on WhatsApp, and not the wider conditions under which decisions were made. When, several Education Secretaries ago, the former, former, former Secretary of State for Education, my right hon. Friend the Member for South Staffordshire (Sir Gavin Williamson), stood up in the House of Commons and said that he would close schools, I remember, as a mother, shouting at the television, “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!”. I could see the impact it would have—not just on my own children, but across all the wider components of society. Society is like a big machine; we cannot just take out one part and assume that the rest will continue to operate. We have seen that clearly over the past three years. We must address the reasons why these decisions were made. We cannot do that in three minutes each—we must have a longer debate.
More Millennials and Gen Zers Get Colon Cancer. Is Obesity Why? Lisa Jarvis | Columnist
Researchers found 182 cases of Candida auris in 10 regions last year, a marked increase from the single and double-digit numbers in the previous seven years
Jan 29, 2024 07:43 PM
Here’s what Medicare and the pharmaceutical companies will be hashing out, and what it will mean for you.
Dr. John Campbell Jan 22, 2024
Our world in data excess mortality https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ex...
Early heart disease deaths rise to 14-year high Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020 Heart and circulatory diseases cause around a quarter of all deaths in England, Over 140,000 deaths each year, or one death every four minutes. Healthcare costs relating to heart and circulatory diseases, £8.3 billion each year. The cost of cardiovascular disease to the wider economy in England, (including premature death, disability and informal costs), is estimated to be £22 billion each year. Latest NHS England figures show that the number of people waiting for cardiac care at the end of November in England was 402,208. The heart care waiting list is 72% larger than in February 2020. This is an increase of 169,000 people – enough to fill Wembley stadium nearly twice over. In 2022 Over 39,000 people in England died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions, heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke, an average of 750 people each week. It is the highest annual total since 2008. Since 2020, the premature death rate for cardiovascular disease has risen year-on-year This is the first time there has been a clear reversal in the trend for almost 60 years. The BHF says more analysis is needed to understand what is driving the trend. Dr Sonya Babu-Narayan, Associate Medical Director at the BHF and Consultant Cardiologist, said: We are still seeing more people than expected die from cardiovascular conditions overall – more than any other disease group. It’s clear to me that urgent intervention is long overdue. In January 2023, the Government announced a Major Conditions Strategy to tackle the biggest drivers of ill health and early death in England https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj...
CDC officials were worried about causing panic.
By Zachary Stieber1/25/2024Updated:1/25/2024
By: Mike Maharrey| Published on: Dec 12, 2023|
Categories: Health Care, State Bills|
CONCORD, N.H. (Dec. 12, 2023) – A bill filed in the New Hampshire House would end all state and local cooperation with the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
INDIA January 30, 2024
January 10, 2024
Dr. John Campbell Jan 18, 2024
Accidentally on purpose https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dict...
WEF prepares for Disease X https://www.weforum.org/events/world-...
Laboratory-acquired infections and pathogen escapes worldwide between 2000 and 2021 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/la... Laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs), and accidental pathogen escape from laboratory settings (APELS), are major concerns for the community. A risk-based approach for pathogen research management, within a standard biosafety management framework is recommended, but is challenging. due to reasons such as inconsistency, in risk tolerance and perception. Here, we performed a scoping review, using publicly available, peer-reviewed journal and media reports, of LAIs and instances of APELS between 2000 and 2021. Laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) 309 individuals, 94 reports for 51 pathogens. Eight fatalities 2·6% of all LAIs Neisseria meningitidis (n=3, 37·5%) Yersinia pestis (n=2, 25%) Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (n=1, 12·5%) Ebola virus (n=1, 12·5%) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (n=1, 12·5%) Accidental pathogen escape from laboratory settings (APELS) 16 APELS were reported Bacillus anthracis (anthrax) SARS-CoV Poliovirus Brucella spp (brucellosis zoonosis) Foot and mouth disease virus Influenza virus H5N1 Examples the discovery of historical variola virus ampoules in cold storage during a move of laboratories at the National Institutes of Health campus in Bethesda, MD, USA in July, 2014 the shipment of live anthrax cultures from US Department of Defense laboratories following incomplete inactivation Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2- related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11... SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V can cause 100% mortality in human ACE2-transgenic mice, potentially attributable to late-stage brain infection. This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans https://www.biblegateway.com
Cameroon hopes routine vaccination program against malaria will save tens of thousands of lives. CAMEROON
By Bob Greene | Commentary
Corporation accused of reporting rare deaths as the norm during pandemic
25 January 2024 • 11:47am
Dr. John Campbell Jan 18, 2024
Professor Robert Clancy has found similarities between long covid and long post covid vaccination syndrome. Here he shares new findings on the theory and practical medical management of these two conditions. Thank you, Professor, as always for sharing your time and expertise.
发表时间: 19/01/2024 - 16:11
The case for a COVID-19 research-related origin is becoming exponentially stronger while arguments for other origin hypotheses have either been debunked or are clearly not supported by the available evidence.
Posted: January 18, 2024 by Emily Kopp
The investigative research group ‘U.S. Right to Know’ (USRTK) has made public the full batch of documents it obtained about the EcoHealth Alliance’s ‘Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses’ (DEFUSE) grant proposal that the EHA submitted to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the US in
NewsNation Jan 17, 2024 #VargasReports
The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese researchers concealed vital details and delayed informing the World Health Organization about the new strain of coronavirus by two weeks. This comes as scientists in China are currently experimenting with a deadly COVID variant, purported to have a 100 percent fatality rate in humanized lab mice. Jamie Metzl, one of the original COVID-19 whistleblowers, appears on "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" to describe the new information as "outrageous."
By Warren P. Strobel Updated Jan. 17, 2024 4:14 pm ET
Jan 18, 2024 at 4:58 PM EST
COVID Lab Leak Revelations: What We Know As Debate Resurges Over Its Origin
By Pandora Dewan Science Reporter
A seminal study on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic has been brought into question after drawing criticism from statisticians. Study authors and experts told Newseek what they think of the matter.
In 2022, evolutionary biologist Michael Worobey, together with a global team of immunologists, virologists, biologists and statisticians, published a paper in the journal Science on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. By plotting the locations of the earliest known COVID-19 cases, along with the geographical locations of the earliest viral lineages, environmental samples, and circumstantial evidence, the team concluded that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan was the most likely epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, in a recent paper, published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, Dietrich Stoyan, a professor in mathematics and statistics at the Technical University of Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany, and Sung Nok Chiu, a professor of mathematics at Hong Kong Baptist University, described this original analysis as "fundamentally flawed."
Using a range of geographical, genetic and circumstantial data, Worobey et al. concluded that the Huanan market was a likely epicenter for the coronavirus pandemic.
methodology employed by Worobey et al. and demonstrates that even with excellent data, their methods fail to produce reasonable results."
Cold viruses "may never be the same again"
Killing 'zombie' cells can reverse COVID brain aging
COVID's evolution may have been driven by human behavior, say biologists
New documents reveal how scientists ordered a crucial ingredient found in the genetic make-up of Covid
Dr. John Campbell Jan 17, 2024
Direct link to parliament TV, https://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index... Link to Hansard full transcript, https://hansard.parliament.uk/Commons...
Full speech from Dr. Johnson This is a very important debate and I will try to make my speech as short as possible. I congratulate the hon. Member for North West Leicestershire on raising this issue and on his determination to highlight the challenges that we are facing. On the one hand, we might have expected that the pandemic would shorten the lives of a number of our more frail citizens and thus have expected a fall in deaths post-pandemic, and we saw that. The ONS reported roughly 608,000 deaths in England and Wales in 2020, 586,000 in 2021, and 577,000 in 2022—that was higher than 2019 when there were about 531,000 deaths, so that does warrant further inspection. We expect a fluctuation year on year, and we also expect Toggle showing location of Column 221WH the total number of deaths to increase year on year as the population increases and ages. We therefore look at the five-year average, and currently we are using 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 and 2022 because of the outliers in 2020. Even then, it is unlikely that we will be exactly at the average, and we would expect some years to be higher or lower. The ONS monthly mortality analysis shows that, in 2022, there were 32,000 more deaths than the five-year average, and in January to July 2023, there were 21,809 more. That equates to an annualised figure of around 37,000, but the figures appear to stop in July 2023. Would the Minister advise as to why the data series has been discontinued? It would be helpful if it were not. However, those are raw numbers and we must be cautious because, as the population ages and increases, so will the number of deaths. The ONS therefore uses the age-standard mortality rate, which has fluctuated month on month but is actually down for both 2022 and 2023 when compared with the five-year average. Overall, when adjusted for age and population size, the number of deaths is not excessive, given what we would expect. We need to look further at the trends on age and the causes of death to see a fuller picture. Others will no doubt speak of rising cardiovascular disease in men, the late presentation of cancers or the rise in liver disease, but as a consultant paediatrician, I would like to focus on children. The National Child Mortality Database collates data on children’s deaths from nought to 18. Its latest bulletin from March 2023 shows that there were sadly 3,743 deaths to the end of that month, which is an increase of 8% on the previous year. Would the Minister comment on what investigation she is doing into the cause of that increased mortality and what is being done to prevent further deaths? The purpose of the child death overview panel is to investigate those deaths, but the average investigation is taking 392 days, with less than half completed in 12 months and a significant fall in the number being completed in 12 months. What is the Minister doing to improve that process? One particularly distressing feature of child death data is that suicide or deliberate self-harm was a primary cause of death of children between 10 and 17 years, and looking at the data, it is getting much worse with children between 10 and 14. I understand that the Government are aware of those figures and are investing in mental health for children and improving online safety. I would be grateful if the Minister elaborated further on the steps they are taking to support children and prevent further tragedies.
The lead time could have been crucial to combating the pandemic, analysts say.
Increases and disparities are threatening the progress made over the past three decades.
What Is Disease X? How Scientists Are Preparing for the Next Pandemic
The UN health agency said holiday gatherings and a new variant have fueled COVID cases globally. January 11, 2024
The new data reflect the array of demographic challenges the country faces, including a rapidly aging society, a shrinking labor force and falling marriage and fertility rates
Posted: January 18, 2024 by Gary Ruskin
Dr. John Campbell Jan 13, 2024
Vaccine and drug inquire … postponed
Public hearings for the Inquiry’s fourth investigation, into vaccines and therapeutics (Module 4), will be rescheduled. The hearings were provisionally scheduled to take place in the summer of 2024. They will now take place at a later date, to enable organisations to prioritise providing evidence for the Inquiry’s third investigation on the impact of the pandemic on healthcare (Module 3). There will be no preliminary hearing for Module 4 on 8 February. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/ar...
Covid Inquiry's probe into vaccines is delayed indefinitely as chair admits postponement will be 'disappointing for some' Hearings for fourth module of the official inquiry were set to begin this summer A long-awaited probe into the development of Covid vaccines and drugs was today postponed indefinitely. Baroness Heather Hallett 'I know the postponement of these hearings will be disappointing for some’ 'I wish to reassure you that we will hold these hearings as soon as possible.' Baroness Hallett, to ensure the inquiry doesn't run beyond summer 2026. Thought to have cost taxpayers £145million already https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2002/n...
November 2022 Paul Burrell (Her Majesty Elizabeth II) "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge," Disease X is looming https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/0...
The world needs to be better prepared to tackle a future pandemic, By mapping viruses with the potential to become the next “Disease X”, the global health community and governments can be more responsive the next time a pandemic looms Global collaboration and adequate funding are needed to improve pandemic preparedness and ensure fast action to keep a viral outbreak at bay “You can get a long way towards being able to produce something that will target a novel virus before that virus even emerges.” “It’s a virus that we don't know yet, but we do know is out there, and we do know has the potential to spill over from an animal population potentially into humans, perhaps mutate or adapt itself and then begin spreading and killing people faster than we can contain it.” … carrying out research and vaccine development for known viral “families” that could impact humans – of which there are 25 – would give humanity a decided advantage over the next Disease X.
Brendan Taylor January 17, 2024 11:43 am
Brendan Taylor January 17, 2024 10:54 am
By Warren P. Strobel Jan. 17, 2024 7:00 am ET
The list prices of 775 brand-name drugs rose during the first half of January.
17 Jan 2024, 09:26 AM Livemint
Posted: January 18, 2024 by Gary Ruskin
Posted: January 18, 2024 by Emily Kopp
Dr. John Campbell Jan 13, 2024
This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview three of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, https://drclarecraig.substack.comCOVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."
Dr. John Campbell Jan 11, 2024
100% lethal. Time to ban this reaearch. Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2- related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) 4th January 2024 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11... https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11...
SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus GX_P2V can cause 100% mortality in human ACE2-transgenic mice, potentially attributable to late-stage brain infection. This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans, and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses. Dear Editor, Two SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronaviruses, GD/2019 and GX/2017, were identified prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. The respective isolates, were cultured in 2020 and 2017 the early passaged GX_P2V isolate was actually a cell culture-adapted mutant. We assessed its pathogenicity in hACE2 mice. We found that the GX_P2V clone can infect hACE2 mice, with high viral loads detected in both lung and brain tissues. This infection resulted in 100% mortality in the hACE2 mice. We surmise that the cause of death may be linked to the occurrence of late brain infection. All the mice that were infected with the live virus succumbed to the infection within 7-8 days post-inoculation, rendering a mortality rate of 100% 5 days post-infection decrease in body weight 7 days post-infection piloerection, hunched posture, and sluggish movements, and their eyes turned white. 8 hACE2 mice were infected 8 mice inoculated with inactivated virus 8 mice mock-infected Dissections on days 3 and 6 Quantitative analysis of viral RNA and titer. Significant amounts of viral RNA in the brain, lung, turbinate, eye, and trachea no or a low amount of viral RNA was detected in heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, tongue, stomach, and intestines. Lung samples High viral RNA loads on days 3 and 6 post-infection Viral antigens also detected Viral load in the lungs significantly decreased by day 6 Lungs showed minimal inflammation Brain samples Day 3 post-infection, viral RNA was detected in all infected mice, shrunken neurons visible in cerebral cortex Viral antigens also detected Day 6 post-infection, exceptionally high viral RNA loads (∼ 8.5 Log10[copies/mg]) in the brain samples from all infected mice, focal lymphocytic infiltration around the blood vessels. Severe brain infection during the later stages of infection may be the key cause of death in these mice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing that a SARS-CoV-2-related pangolin coronavirus can cause 100% mortality in hACE2 mice, suggesting a risk for GX_P2V to spill over into humans. Propensity of coronaviruses to undergo adaptive mutation during passage culture. ……. requires further investigation. It is possible that GX_P2V C7 has undergone a virulence-enhancing mutation. Justin Kinney, Simons Center for Quantitative Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, U.S. “The research is still very dangerous, though,” “I am especially concerned that the paper does not say what biosafety level the work was performed at. Coronavirus research in China is often done at a biosafety level (BSL-2) that is inadequate for working with potential pandemic pathogens that might be transmitted by air. “Indeed, coronavirus research done at BSL-2 may have caused the COVID-19 pandemic. And by showing that the coronavirus has a surprisingly high pathogenicity, the work underscores the need for extreme caution when working with novel coronaviruses.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/...
Lihua Song did not respond to a request for comment on how the scientists ensured the experiments they performed were safe. Yigang Tong Trained in a Chinese military program and worked in military-run labs. He also co-authored a paper in 2023 with Zheng-Li Shi, who helps run the Wuhan Institute of Virology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
Justin Goodman, senior vice president, White Coat Waste Project, a U.S. nonprofit “dangerous and deadly tests on mice.” “This is why shipping US tax dollars to foreign adversaries’ unaccountable animal labs is a recipe for disaster and we’re working with lawmakers to stop it,”
The Morning Show Jan 11, 2024
We get a comprehensive health update with Dr. Isaac Bogoch as he sheds light on the surge in respiratory illnesses, the ongoing battle against COVID-19, and the emergence of new a strain. Discover the latest insights into the illnesses that swept through the holidays and gain valuable information on the global surge in dengue fever, essential for winter travelers.
What Is Disease X? How Scientists Are Preparing for the Next Pandemic
KENS 5: Your San Antonio News Source Jan 10, 2024
Many are experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms, as if they had a stomach bug instead.
The uptick in illness, documented through wastewater surveillance, coincides with a sharp rise in flu activity during what’s proving to be a busy season for respiratory viruses.
Redacted Jan 9, 2024 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
Dr. Anthony Fauci remembers very little about the pandemic. He testified in a closed-door session with Congress on Monday and reportedly answered “I don’t recall” or “I don’t remember” over 100 times. Funny because the rest of us recall a lot about the pandemic, right? Fauci was testified to the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. He was accompanied by two personal lawyers and two government (taxpayer funded) lawyers. He was asked about mask mandates, lockdowns and pre-pandemic research that may have led to the creation of the Covid-19 virus. Dr. Fauci’s testimony will continue today in private but he will reportedly testify again publicly at a future date.
Researchers are trying to figure out what is making more young adults sick, and how to identify those at high risk.
Add young children to the list of students who need help catching up after the pandemic, according to recent test scores.
Virus levels in wastewater are higher than they were a year ago, but experts caution against comparisons and note hospitalizations are lower than last winter. By Fenit Nirappil
NewsNation Jan 8, 2024 #pandemic #COVID #Fauci
Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci is facing questions about his guidance on COVID-19 from Congress behind closed doors. Top issues include the origins of COVID, preparations for future pandemics and Fauci's reasoning on lockdowns and masking. #Fauci #COVID #pandemic
Zheng Jie, a director at the Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, was taken away on Dec. 29 without explanation, source says
Jan 10, 2024 08:43 PM
Nanoplastics are microscopic flecks so small that they can be absorbed into human cells and tissue, as well as cross the blood-brain barrier.
Dr. John Campbell Jan 7, 2024
‘a threatening phone call’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023... 8th November 2023 In March 2021,
The Telegraph was one of the first newspapers to imply a causal link between the jab and blood clots after Norwegian scientists suggested a possible mechanism. On the day we published the story we received a threatening phone call from a senior official at the MHRA warning that The Telegraph would be banned from future briefings and press notices if we did not soften the news. https://www.gov.uk/government/organis...
From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire? https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o...
June 2022 Industry money saturates the globe’s leading regulators. The BMJ found that the majority of regulators’ budget—particularly the portion focused on drugs—is derived from industry fees Another well-known Cambridge academic got in touch to complain about our “disgraceful fear-mongering headline” on the story, claiming that it would discourage vaccine uptake and cost lives. We politely pointed out that hiding the facts from people was not helpful and could also cost lives. The academic did not respond. In February this year, TikTok removed an audio clip in which I discussed whether the benefit of vaccination was worth the risks for young people, claiming it had breached community guidelines. After we showed that the Government’s own website acknowledges the link, the clip was reinstated. All of this shows a troubling paternalism in government, academia and some media outlets who believe that the public is not capable of weighing up the pros and cons of medical interventions and so must be shielded from the truth.
Dr. John Campbell • Jan 5, 2024
Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, pathologist, medical researcher and author. Get your copy of his latest book, The Death of Science, https://gazellebookservices.co.uk/pro
Also by Professor Dalgleish, The Origin of the Virus: The hidden truths behind the microbe that killed millions of people, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/185457106... GB news direct link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uV15...
Write to your MP if you are in the UK, encourage them to attend the debate on excess deaths on 16th January, if they are not in Davos, https://www.writetothem.com/?a=westmi... https://twitter.com/ABridgen/status/1.
By Bill Gifford
By Hallie Levine
Florida Is First to Win Approval to Import Cheaper Medications From Canada By Ian Lopez
UK Scientists Developing Smart Headband to Stop Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching
The Biggest Threat From Covid Was in Our Own Homes F.D. Flam | Columnist
The delay in accurate test results is probably a result of people having accumulated immunity from COVID-19 over the years, whether from vaccinations or previous infections.
January 08, 2024
ABC News Jan 4, 2024 #covid19 #rsv #health
ABC News contributor Dr. Alok Patel talks about the rise of illnesses like COVID-19, RSV and the flu during the winter months and what you can do to protect yourself.
New data show pronounced recent jumps in the rate at which coronavirus and flu tests are coming back positive, as well as the number of hospital-admitted patients testing positive for the viruses.
Michael J. Stephen MD
Dr. John Campbell Jan 4, 2024
Excess mortality in England post Covid-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...
Many countries, including the UK, have continued to experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this period are considerable. The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or 44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 OECD, UK https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?que...
Excess deaths in 2022, 52,514 (9.26%) This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024 more deaths registered in the first six months of the year than expected. OECD, UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 Excess deaths, 49,389 (9.44%) The causes of these excess deaths are likely to be multiple and could include the direct effects of Covid-19 infection, acute pressures on NHS acute services resulting in poorer outcomes from episodes of acute illness, and disruption to chronic disease detection and management. Further analysis by cause and by age- and sex-group may help quantify the relative contributions of these causes. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities 3rd June 2022 to 30th June 2023 Excess deaths for all causes were relatively greatest for 50–64 year olds (15% higher than expected) 11% higher for 25–49 and under 25 year olds, and about 9% higher for over 65s Several causes 3rd June 2022–30th June 2023 All cardiovascular diseases, 12% Heart failure, 20% Ischaemic heart disease, 15 Liver diseases, 19% Acute respiratory infections, 14% Diabetes, 13% For middle-aged adults (50–64) Cardiovascular diseases, 33% higher than expected Ischaemic heart disease, 44% Cerebrovascular disease, 40% Heart failure 39% higher Deaths involving acute respiratory infections, 43% higher Diabetes, deaths were 35% higher The pattern now is one of persisting excess deaths which are most prominent in relative terms in middle-aged and younger adults Timely and granular analyses are needed to describe such trends and so to inform prevention and disease management efforts. JP-S is Partner at Lane Clark & Peacock LLP, Chair of the Royal Society for Public Health and reports personal fees from Novo Nordisk and Pfizer Ltd outside of this submitted work.
Dr. John Campbell Jan 2, 2024
John has been reading 'The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health
by Fobert F. Kennedy Jr.
By Brad Brooks January 4, 202411:44 AM EST
4 Jan 2024 - 10:00PM
Florida Plan to Import Cheaper Prescription Drugs From Canada Gets FDA Approval
Decision gives the green light to a plan put in motion by the state several years ago.
Mortalities climbed to nearly 2.4 million in 2020, with the rate ‘much higher than the global average,’ according to the joint study co-authored by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. John Campbell Jan 1, 2024
This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview three of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, https://drclarecraig.substack.comCOVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Expired-unto... For friends in the US get your copy here, https://www.amazon.com/Expired-untold... Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."
California’s hospitals are getting busier with more COVID-19 and flu patients. Los Angeles County recently entering the ‘medium’ COVID-19 category for the first time this winter.
Long-acting monoclonal antibody Beyfortus approved in China for the first time to fight potentially deadly lung infection in newborns
Jan 03, 2024 05:52 AM
Dr. John Campbell Dec 29, 2023
This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview three of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, https://drclarecraig.substack.comCOVID, the untold story.
So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Get your copy in the UK here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Expired-unto...
For friends in the US get your copy here, https://www.amazon.com/Expired-untold...
Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."
To avoid Medicaid penalties, Glaxo and other drugmakers lowered prices. For popular asthma drug Flovent HFA, the tactic to replace it with a generic backfired.
30 Dec 2023 - 8:00AM
A year after The Times began investigating Mexican pharmacies’ sales of fake medications — after U.S. safety warnings and raids by Mexican authorities — the problem persists.
Marlene Cimons, Washington Post
By Linda Searing
Dr. John Campbell Dec 27, 2023
‘a threatening phone call’ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023... 8th November 2023 In March 2021, The Telegraph was one of the first newspapers to imply a causal link between the jab and blood clots after Norwegian scientists suggested a possible mechanism. On the day we published the story we received a threatening phone call from a senior official at the MHRA warning that The Telegraph would be banned from future briefings and press notices if we did not soften the news. https://www.gov.uk/government/organis... From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire? https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o... June 2022 Industry money saturates the globe’s leading regulators. The BMJ found that the majority of regulators’ budget—particularly the portion focused on drugs—is derived from industry fees Another well-known Cambridge academic got in touch to complain about our “disgraceful fear-mongering headline” on the story, claiming that it would discourage vaccine uptake and cost lives. We politely pointed out that hiding the facts from people was not helpful and could also cost lives. The academic did not respond. In February this year, TikTok removed an audio clip in which I discussed whether the benefit of vaccination was worth the risks for young people, claiming it had breached community guidelines. After we showed that the Government’s own website acknowledges the link, the clip was reinstated. All of this shows a troubling paternalism in government, academia and some media outlets who believe that the public is not capable of weighing up the pros and cons of medical interventions and so must be shielded from the truth. Excess mortality in England post Covid-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention https://www.sciencedirect.com/science... Many countries, including the UK, have continued to experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this period are considerable. The UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) has calculated that there were 7.2% or 44,255 more deaths registered in the UK in 2022 OECD, UK https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?que... Excess deaths in 2022, 52,514 (9.26%) This persisted into 2023 with 8.6% or 28,024 more deaths registered in the first six months of the year than expected. OECD, UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 Excess deaths, 49,389 (9.44%) The causes of these excess deaths are likely to be multiple and could include the direct effects of Covid-19 infection, acute pressures on NHS acute services resulting in poorer outcomes from episodes of acute illness, and disruption to chronic disease detection and management. Further analysis by cause and by age- and sex-group may help quantify the relative contributions of these causes. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities 3rd June 2022 to 30th June 2023 Excess deaths for all causes were relatively greatest for 50–64 year olds (15% higher than expected) 11% higher for 25–49 and under 25 year olds, and about 9% higher for over 65s Several causes 3rd June 2022–30th June 2023 All cardiovascular diseases, 12% Heart failure, 20% Ischaemic heart disease, 15 Liver diseases, 19% Acute respiratory infections, 14% Diabetes, 13% For middle-aged adults (50–64) Cardiovascular diseases, 33% higher than expected Ischaemic heart disease, 44% Cerebrovascular disease, 40% Heart failure 39% higher Deaths involving acute respiratory infections, 43% higher Diabetes, deaths were 35% higher The pattern now is one of persisting excess deaths which are most prominent in relative terms in middle-aged and younger adults Timely and granular analyses are needed to describe such trends and so to inform prevention and disease management efforts. JP-S is Partner at Lane Clark & Peacock LLP, Chair of the Royal Society for Public Health and reports personal fees from Novo Nordisk and Pfizer Ltd outside of this submitted work.
6abc Philadelphia Dec 27, 2023
Amid the holiday season, local doctors are keeping an eye on an increase in respiratory illnesses.
The Apple Watch maker confronts technical puzzles and patent-wielding rivals as it tries to create an all-in-one health wearable.
UT Health Austin Dec 20, 2023
Michael Brode, MD, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and the Medical Director of UT Health Austin’s Post-COVID-19 Program, shares his framework for treating long COVID as well as valuable insights on guiding patients in the journey toward recovery. For more information about the Post-COVID-19 Program, visit uthealthaustin.org.
Video filmed and edited by: Shriya Alli
Dr. John Campbell Dec 23, 2023
Excess deaths by week, 2023 https://data-explorer.oecd.org https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?que...
Australia, weeks 1 – 34, 2023 14,710 (16.8%) Covid deaths, 4,977 Australia, 2022, weeks 1 - 52 29,738 (18.7%) Australia, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 44,448 Austria, week 1 – 44, 2023 4,444 (6.5%) Canada, weeks 1 – 33, 2023 28,400 (16.7%) Covid deaths, 4,613 Canada, 2022 61,468 (22.3%) Canada, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 89,868 Denmark, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 3,052 (6.9%) Covid deaths, 347 Denmark, 2022 5,871 (11%) Denmark, excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 8,923 Finland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 4,627 (10.5%) France, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 22,268 (4.9%) Covid deaths, 5,565 France, 2022 71,751 (11.9%) Germany, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 59,039 (7.7%) Germany, 2022 134, 578 (14.9%) Greece, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 5,132 (5.2%) Iceland, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 209 (11.5%) Covid deaths, 0 Iceland, 2022 446 (20.2%) Israel, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 4,303 (11.8%) Covid deaths, 640 Israel, 2022 7,050 (15.4%) Italy, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 938 (0.28%) Netherlands, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 14,209 (11.3%) Netherlands, 2022 19,326 (13.2%) New Zealand, weeks, 1 – 44, 2023 3,960 (14.5%) New Zealand, 2022 5,787 (17.6%) Norway, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 1,885 (5.7%) Norway, 2022 4,980 (12.5%) Portugal, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 5,184 (6.3%) Spain, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 11,948 (3.7%) Switzerland, 1 – 44, 2023 2,063 (3.9%) UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 49,389 (9.44%) Covid deaths, 18,591 UK, 2022 52,514 (9.26%) UK excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 101,903 Height of the Blitz, September 1940 to May 1941 UK civilian deaths, 40,000 Total civilian deaths for WW2, 70,000 US, weeks 1 – 37, 2023 155,763 (7.8%) Covid deaths, 76,187 US, 2022 495,749 (17.53) US excess deaths 2022 + 2023 = 651,512 Total US deaths in Vietnam war The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/h... Hungary, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -3,785 (-3.2%) Poland, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 104 (0.13%) Slovak republic, weeks 1 – 43, 2023 -774 (-1.54%) Sweden, weeks 1 – 44, 2023 -529 (0.6%) COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. This dataset presents the latest data on All-cause death statistics Excess mortality and COVID-19 deaths, by week, for all OECD countries for which data are available. The expected number of deaths is based on the average number of deaths for the same week, (2015-19) This baseline could be considered a lower estimate of the expected number of deaths since both population growth and an ageing population would be expected to push up the number of deaths observed each year. For example, New Zealand saw its population grow by around 9% since 2015, with the number of people aged 65 and over increasing by 18%.
Excess deaths by week, 2023 https://data-explorer.oecd.org https://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?que...
Dec. 26, 2023 7:02 AM ETPfizer Inc. (PFE) Stock, BNTX Stock, MRNA Stock, NVAX StockGILD, QDEL, ABT, RHHBY, MRK, AZN, REGN, BDX, RHHBFBy: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor14 Comments
According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Omicron subvariant, JN.1, has become the dominant variant of COVID-19 in the U.S.
December 22, 2023, 11:00 AM EDT
Hospital Price Gaps Show Just How Broken the US Health-Care Market Is
After Kerala, JN.1 variant has now been found in Goa. 142 new cases have been reported in India in the last 24 hours. Singapore has become a country of concern, Indonesia is asking travellers to be vigilant. In Malaysia, cases have doubled. This is December Deja Vu. #covid #covidindia #kerala
UK Tells Schools to Include Parents If Children Change Gender
Despite health concerns, paraquat continues to be a popular herbicide in California and other parts of the United States. Some hope to see it banned.
The disease is striking young people who have no obvious risk factors.By Joel Achenbach and Laurie McGinley
Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes sweeten foods without extra calories. But studies show the ingredients can affect gut and heart health. By Anahad O’Connor, Aaron Steckelberg and Laura Reiley
By Frances Vinall and Fenit Nirappil
The cash deal would help Bristol establish a beachhead in neuroscience drugs, including a schizophrenia treatment up for approval.
Good Morning America Dec 17, 2023 #rsv #abcnews #gma
Hospitals are seeing an increase in respiratory illnesses ahead of the holiday season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
By Lindsay Karp
By Erin Blakemore
The U.S. gained about 1.6 million people this year, according to Census Bureau estimates.2 min read
New Mexico appears to be the first to do wastewater drug testing at all public high schools. The results will guide drug-prevention and addiction treatment programs.
What the Oldest Lab Rodents Are Teaching Humans About Staying Young
Some of the longest-living rats and mice—including the very adorable dwarf mouse—could help unlock the mysteries of aging.
The World Health Organization estimates that 138,000 people are killed by venomous snakes every year.
Dr. John Campbell Dec 12, 2023
This excellent scientific analysis of recent events continues in interview two of this series. Follow Dr. Craig on SubStack, https://drclarecraig.substack.comCOVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig. Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."
Fenit Nirappil, Washington Post
There's a Black Market on Social Media for Pricey Fertility Drugs
Hospitals Creeping Toward Recovery Grapple With ‘Out of Control’ Costs
Investment in telehealth provider LifeMD would give Medifast customers access to doctors who can prescribe the medications.
US Medical Schools Grapple With First Admissions Since End of Affirmative Action
Revolutionary new treatments to slow cognitive decline will require doctors and patients to think about quality of life in new ways.
The drugmaker is pulling back on some of its research programs and laying off workers after overestimating pandemic-product sales.
Dr. John Campbell Dec 6, 2023
Vitamin A is needed for immunity and is cheap Vitamin A (which is retinol) and immunity WHO report https://www.who.int/emergencies/disea... https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamin...
Vitamin A has several important functions helping natural defence against illness and infection (immune system) work properly helping vision in dim light keeping skin and the lining of some parts of the body, such as the nose, healthy Good sources of vitamin A Good sources of vitamin A (retinol) include: cheese eggs oily fish fortified low-fat spreads milk and yoghurt liver and liver pâté If you're pregnant you should avoid eating liver or liver products, (NHS, 2023) Excess vitamin A is toxic. Vitamin A deficiency https://www.who.int/data/nutrition/nl... What are the consequences and implications? Night blindness is one of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency. In its more severe forms, vitamin A deficiency contributes to blindness by making the cornea very dry, thus damaging the retina and cornea. An estimated 250 000–500 000 children who are vitamin A-deficient become blind every year, and half of them die within 12 months of losing their sight. World’s leading preventable cause of childhood blindness. Deficiency of vitamin A is associated with significant morbidity and mortality from common childhood infections, Vitamin A deficiency also contributes to maternal mortality and other poor outcomes of pregnancy and lactation. It also diminishes the ability to fight infections. Even mild, subclinical deficiency can be a problem, because it may increase children's risk for respiratory and diarrhoeal infections, decrease growth rates, slow bone development and decrease the likelihood of survival from serious illness. Beta carotene Red-orange pigment, in plants and fruits, especially carrots and colourful vegetables. The body converts beta carotene into vitamin A The advantage of dietary beta carotene is that the body only converts as much as it needs.
Healthy antioxidant May prevent cognitive decline https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama...
May help lung function https://thorax.bmj.com/content/61/4/320 Both may be due to preventing oxidative stress https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/arti... Foods rich in beta carotene: Apricots, Asparagus, Broccoli, Carrots, Chives, Dandelion leaves, Grapefruit, (Chilli powder, oregano, paprika, parsley), Kale, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Plums, Pumpkin, Spinach, Squash, Sweet potatoes. Role of Vitamin A in the Immune System https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
Needed for mucous membrane innate immunity (respiratory and GI) Essential for the normal function of many immune cells such as T lymphocytes Vitamin A deficiency is associated with severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children https://www.youtube.com/redirect?even... Beijing, Feb, 2020 N = 122 children, (0 – 15) 52 sMPP Severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia 70 nsMPP Non-severe Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia Serum levels of vitamins A, D, and E were measured and compared, and correlated with nsMPP and sMPP. Results The age was older in the sMPP samples than that in the nsMPP samples. (7.12 vs. 4.01) So older children suffered more severe infections. Vitamin A deficiency was present in both the nsMPP and sMPP samples. Vitamin A levels were significantly lower in the sMPP serum than that in the nsMPP serum. (0.15 vs. 0.19) Vitamin A deficiency was defined Deficiency, less than 0.2 mg/L, Subclinical vitamin A deficiency, 0.2–0.3 mg/L Normal vitamin A level by 0.3–0.7 mg/L. So, children with lower vitamin A levels suffered more severe infections. Vitamins E and D levels were also lower in sMPP children Vitamin E (7.4 vs. 8.22) Vitamin D (23.08 vs. 32.07) Both sMPP and nsMPP did not show a deficiency of vitamins E and D.
Mortality Watch
By Amanda Morris, Teddy Amenabar, Laura Reiley and Jenna Portnoy
Postpartum depression has commonly been linked to the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy, but scientists say the immune system plays a much larger role than previously known. By Richard Sima
A request by the WHO for more information on a surge in respiratory illnesses and clusters of pneumonia in children in China has attracted global attention. Here's what we know about the surge and why experts say there's no evidence for international alarm.
In what is becoming a holiday-season tradition, Covid-19 cases are rising once again, with particular concern about amounts in wastewater.
"We don't know why you're still living," the doctors said.
By Laura Entis
By Linda Searing
By Marta Zaraska
Boris Says Sorry: Former PM Apologises at Covid Inquiry
The First Crispr Therapy Is Just the Start of the Gene-Editing Revolution
Lisa Jarvis | Columnist
Messy RSV Shot Rollout Puts Infants at Risk
WION Dec 4, 2023 #netherlands #pneumonia #wion
According to research conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), located in Utrecht, about 25 miles south of Amsterdam, 80 out of every 100,000 children in the age range of 5 to 14 had pneumonia last week.
3 Dec 2023 - 4:13PM
John Crowley will become a top lobbyist for the industry as it confronts investor skepticism and regulatory challenges.
The nation’s largest drugstore chain is set to shift to a simpler model that could upend how American pharmacies are paid.
U.S. 15-year-olds performed above international averages in reading and science tests, but still ranked low in math.
The Pentagon Wants to Root Out Shoddy Drugs. The FDA Is In Its Way.
By Anna Edney and Riley Griffin
Nurse Shortages Are Set to Get Even Worse With Mass US Visa Delays
A J&J Executive’s Son Died. That Prompted a Policy Change at the Top
NBC News Dec 1, 2023 #Ohio #Pediatrics #Pneumonia
Officials in Ohio are reporting a rising number mycoplasma pneumonia cases in children. NBC News’ medical contributor Dr. Vin Gupta explains why this is likely not a cause for alarm for the general population.
U.S. Health Officials Push Back on Idea of New Virus in China
A surge of children has been hospitalized in China for respiratory illnesses, but international health authorities said the cause was common viruses and bacteria.
Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience
Traumatic memories had their own neural mechanism, brain scans showed, which may help explain their vivid and intrusive nature.
U.S. Rate of Suicide by Firearm Reaches Record Level
Gun suicides increased from prepandemic rates in all racial and ethnic groups, but the degree of change differed drastically.
Cases of childhood pneumonia are surging in the Netherlands. This comes after the spread of a mystery disease in China that has infected children around the country. Hospitals are overwhelmed, some classes have been called off, and parents are worried. Indian states are taking precautions.
By Jenna Portnoy and Laura Reiley
Leading Chinese drug company estimates $100 million net loss in 2023 as biotech funding slows and Covid related income falls
Dr. John Campbell Nov 29, 2023
Clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in Beijing and North China What’s behind China’s mysterious wave of childhood pneumonia? China, surge in respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, in children. International society for infectious diseases https://promedmail.org https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-he... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/ar...
Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (International Society for Infectious Diseases) Clusters of “undiagnosed pneumonia” We expected a surge in respiratory disease this time of year, but what is happening in China is unusual. ? more than rebound ? community immune debt Hospitals in Beijing and 500 miles northeast in Liaoning are 'overwhelmed with sick children' with unusual symptoms that include Radio Free Asia reported said that more than 3,500 cases of 'respiratory infection' had been admitted to the Beijing Children's Hospital at the start of October,. 1000 new cases per day https://emedicine.medscape.com/articl...
China has now included Mycoplasma pneumoniae as well as other known respiratory pathogens, like influenza, covid and RSV Local reports inflammation in the lungs a high fever but no cough Mycoplasma pneumoniae It is among the most common causes of community-acquired pneumonia in school age children. Generalized aches and pains Fever usually ≤ 102°F, (38.9’C) Cough - Usually nonproductive Sore throat (nonexudative pharyngitis) Headache/myalgias Chills but not rigors Nasal congestion with coryza Earache General malaise Pneumonia develops in only 5-10% of persons who are infected. The Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/28/he... https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/11/28/...
The World Health Organization Upsurge of respiratory illnesses among children-Northern China 23rd November https://www.who.int/emergencies/disea... The WHO requested information Using International health regulations Laboratory results and data Recent trends in the spread of respiratory illnesses, from China’s health authorities last week. WHO said China’s health authorities have said rise in hospitalizations since October to known pathogens, such as adenoviruses, influenza virus, and RSV, (which tends to cause only mild, cold-like symptoms) Common winter infections — as opposed to any new pathogens — are behind the spike in hospitalizations. https://themessenger.com/health/china... https://www.reuters.com/world/china/n...
Nature news explainer, 27th November https://www.nature.com/articles/d4158... China’s first without COVID-19 restrictions since the pandemic began in 2020. Mycoplasma pneumonia and RSV are known to affect children more than adults. No changes in the disease presentation were reported by the Chinese health authorities. Chinese authorities advised that, since mid-October, enhanced outpatient and inpatient surveillance has been implemented for respiratory illnesses What is unusual, say epidemiologists, is the high prevalence of pneumonia in China. UK, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) mostly drove spikes in illness. November 2022, more hospitalized influenza in US Main cause of pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumoniae, bacterium that infects the lungs. Normally causes a milder ‘walking pneumonia’, doesn’t require bed rest or hospitalization. Medscape Slow spread throughout households is common, with a mean incubation period of 20-23 days. Disease tends to not be seasonal, except for a slight increase in late summer and early fall. However Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections have very been common. Teachers getting ill Bacterial pneumonia is often secondary to viral infections, Opportunistic infection Studies show that resistance rates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to macrolides in Beijing are between 70% and 90% Erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/... (data up to 2012) levofloxacin as a secondary choice Working hypotheses No evidence of a novel virus or bacterium Probably dangerous mycoplasma antibiotic resistance Possible bacterial infection after novel virus, but less likely New pandemic not immanent due to slow household transmission Slow spread of multiple antibiotic resistance spread of mycoplasmic pneumonia Need to optimise immune function, nutrition, vitamin D, sleep, exercise, appropriate antigenic challenge and hygiene hypothesis Upgrade innate immunity as per Professor Angus Dalgleish and Professor Robert Clancy
November 25, 2023
November 29, 2023
Rise in respiratory illnesses in mainland China may be driven by known pathogens, but, as with Covid-19, vigilance and transparency are required 29 Nov 2023 - 11:09PM
WION Nov 29, 2023 #china #mystery #india
A new health scare from China is bringing the dreaded COVID memories back. India is on guard. With latest updates we have been telling you all about China's mystery illness. We don't want to speculate but we'll try and present to you the facts because not being armed against a virus can be dangerous, and as the pandemic has taught us, even fatal.
Nearly 50,000 people in the U.S. lost their lives to suicide in 2022, according to a provisional tally. Older men are at highest risk, while rates among young people have declined.
Penn will continue providing CAR-T therapy while monitoring the FDA's investigation.
Mike Stobbe, Associated Press
Dr. John Campbell Nov 28, 2023
COVID, the untold story. So much more makes sense after this book and my first illuminating discussion with Dr. Craig.
Have you ever felt the covid story did not entirely add up? Expired contains multiple eye-opening revelations about covid with compelling evidence that provides a coherent, sober and clear explanation that better fits the data we have so far. Meticulous research by pathologist Dr Clare Craig sheds light on the largely overlooked evidence of airborne virus transmission, examining twelve related beliefs on spread, lockdowns, asymptomatic infections, and masks. In addition, Expired champions the importance of Western ethical principles, damaged by pandemic actions and calls for their restoration. The covid debate has proved incredibly polarising. One side believed every intervention was saving lives, while the other emphasised the harms caused. Biased modelling based on a worst-case scenario led to fearful assumptions presented as fact. By dint of sheer repetition these ‘facts’ became unquestionable. Those scientists who dared to question were proclaimed dangerous. Welcome to Cloud-Covid-Land. Let’s bring back nuance. It’s time to return to reality."
November 30, 2023
NBC News Nov 27, 2023 #China #Illness #Flu
China is grappling with a spike in respiratory illnesses, mostly in children, leaving hospital waiting rooms packed. The flu and RSV cases are also on the rise in the U.S. NBC News’ Anne Thompson has the latest health news.
By Omaya Sosa Pascual, Jeniffer Wiscovitch, Arelis R. Hernández, Andrew Ba Tran and Dylan Moriarty
By Ashley Abramson
Omicron, Now 2 Years Old, Is Not Done With Us Yet
Why We’re Still Breathing Dirty Indoor Air
2 N.J. hospitals hit with cybersecurity issue affecting ERs across country Anthony G. Attrino
Ransomware attack on 2 N.J. hospitals has knocked systems offline for 5 days Anthony G. Attrino
Eli Lilly is blowing past its competitors, thanks to prescient bets on obesity and Alzheimer’s. Can it avoid the patent cliff?
Nov 28, 2023 COVID-19
South China Morning Post Nov 28, 2023
Hospitals in China have been overwhelmed with an influx of cases of acute respiratory illnesses, mostly involving children. The county's National Health Commission says the surge is being driven by cases of influenza, rhinoviruses, mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus and adenovirus. Officials have called for schools, childcare institutions and nursing homes to adopt epidemic prevention measures and suggested that people get vaccinated to prevent a wider spread of infections.
Following the approval of Toripalimab by the Food and Drug Administration, two more Chinese-made cancer drugs have received approval for distribution in the US.
On October 27, 2023
WION Nov 28, 2023
According to research conducted by the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL), located in Utrecht, about 25 miles south of Amsterdam, 80 out of every 100,000 children in the age range of 5 to 14 had pneumonia last week.
The number of new cases of the virus in people 60 or older more than doubled from 2015 to 2019 and remains elevated
Dr. John Campbell Nov 27, 2023
Iceland halts Moderna jabs over heart-inflammation fears https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-1... Iceland suspended Moderna anti-COVID vaccine Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason https://www.icelandreview.com/news/mo... Iceland will halt the use of Moderna vaccine Decision was made after reviewing new data from the Nordic countries, which shows an increased incidence of myocarditis, as well as pericarditis Decision was announced on website of the Directorate of health https://island.is/um-embaettid/fretti... "the increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with the Moderna vaccine, as well as with vaccination using Pfizer/BioNTech," Sweden Currently restricts Moderna to people individuals born after 1991. Norway and Denmark Recommend against Moderna for children aged 12 – 17. https://island.is/en https://island.is/um-embaettid/fretti... https://www.covid.is/covid-19-vaccine Finland halts Moderna vaccinations for young men https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-1... Mika Salminen, director of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Finnish health authorities, stop giving Moderna to young men, over fears of heart inflammation side effects. Moderna "should not be given to men and boys under 30 years of age for the time being." https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-... Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines billions of vaccines administered globally, demonstrates that they are safe and effective. Side Effects Side effects throughout the body (such as fever, chills, tiredness, and headache) are more common after the second dose of a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. Adverse Events Severe allergic reactions to vaccines are rare but can happen. There is a rare risk of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, mostly among males ages 12–39 years.
Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-.
China Warns of Respiratory Illnesses After Pneumonia Hit Kids
Roche Is Selling Euro Bonds in Further Funding for Telavant Deal
By Linda Searing
November 22
By Amanda Morris and Teddy Amenabar
Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria mainly sickening five-14 age group, with the rest mostly affected by different types of viruses, disease control expert says, as schools, childcare institutions and nursing homes are urged to adopt epidemic prevention and control measures.
26 Nov 2023 - 9:17PM
China Battles Surge in Respiratory Infections Among Children
WION Nov 25, 2023 #china #pneumonia #wion •
A mysterious new respiratory infection that is sweeping across Northern parts of China. Chinese Health authorities said yes we're definitely having a rise in this in these respiratory illnesses but these are known pathogens. #china #pneumonia #wion
China Says Multiple Pathogens Are Behind Spike in Respiratory Illnesses
Mycoplasma pneumoniae bacteria mainly sickening five-14 age group, with the rest mostly affected by different types of viruses, disease control expert says, as schools, childcare institutions and nursing homes are urged to adopt epidemic prevention and control measures.
The industry could serve as a strong job generator for years as an aging population and Covid-19 fuel widespread worker shortages and greater needs for healthcare services.
Jordan Rau and JoNel Aleccia, KFF
A new screening model for the type of cancer that killed Apple co-founder Steve Jobs could help save thousands of lives.
27 Nov 2023 - 11:38AM
BEYFORTUS™ (nirsevimab-alip) injection
Beyfortus is a prescription medicine used to help prevent a serious lung disease caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in:
WION Nov 25, 2023
China has been in the news for over a week now over a mysterious respiratory illness. The country is grappling with a spike in respiratory illness as it enters its first full winter season since it lifted COVID-19 restrictions. #china #pneumonia #covid19
Everything You Need to Know About China’s Child Pneumonia Outbreak
By The Editorial Board | Review & Outlook
With Covid-19 here to stay alongside flu and RSV, wintertime illnesses have become harder to dodge.
State Council orders strengthened health surveillance in schools and increased vaccinations for at-risk groups
Nov 24, 2023 07:09 PM
Pediatric hospitals and departments in the capital are crowded with children infected with respiratory illnesses. Diagnoses include mycoplasma pneumonia, influenza, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial virus. The World Health Organization issued a statement Wednesday requesting detailed information from China regarding the spike in cases of pediatric respiratory diseases. During a visit to two hospitals in Beijing on Tuesday, Caixin found that cumbersome and inefficient processes were hampering diagnosis and treatment of patients
Nov 24, 2023 05:42 PM
Chinese health officials received the request for more information after reports of undiagnosed case in children’s hospitals sparked concerns that a novel virus may be the cause
Nov 24, 2023 05:22 PM
China Vows Crackdown as Child Trafficking Helps Drive Birth Certificate Sales
What we know so far about surging respiratory illnesses in China
'Misperception' to associate stroke, heart attack with COVID-19 vaccination: Ong Ye Kung
CHINA November 24, 2023
INDONESIA November 24, 2023
South China Morning Post Nov 24, 2023
#scmp #China #HealthinChina
The World Health Organization (WHO) has asked China to provide details after an outbreak of a respiratory illness among children in the country. Chinese officials and medical experts said no unusual or novel pathogens have been detected and the surge in cases are a result of the lifting Covid-19 restrictions.
Related story: WHO asks China for details on surge in ‘undiagnosed pneumonia’ cases https://sc.mp/yqic
China provided the WHO with data on a pneumonia outbreak among children after the agency made an unusual public request for the information.
Return to Work Is Coming for Your Pandemic-Era Home
No new pathogens in respiratory disease surge, China tells WHO
State Council orders strengthened health surveillance in schools and increased vaccinations for at-risk groups
Chinese health officials received the request for more information after reports of undiagnosed case in children’s hospitals sparked concerns that a novel virus may be the cause
Nov 24, 2023 05:22 PM
The financial sector has potential to better serve China’s real economy, lawmakers say. A conglomerate declares itself “severely insolvent.”
Nov 24, 2023 10:14 AM
By Amanda Morris and Teddy Amenabar
Natural Immunity Better Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination: Study
Dr. John Campbell Nov 19, 2023
Post-Vaccination Syndrome:
A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.11...
Yale Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now (LISTEN) Study (online) https://medicine.yale.edu/ycci/listen...
LISTEN study, approved by Yale University Institutional Review Board Introduction A chronic post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) after covid-19 vaccination has been reported but has yet to be well characterized. A chronic syndrome with symptoms that begin soon after vaccination Methods People who joined, May 2022 to July 2023 N = 241 individuals, (211 from the US) aged 18 and older, who self-reported PVS after covid-19 vaccination, Deep immune profiling is used for some individuals Results Median age of participants, 46 years Among participants with PVS 127 (55%) had received BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech] 86 (37%) received the mRNA-1273 [Moderna] Time from index vaccination to symptom onset Median time, 3 days (IQR: 1 day to 8 days). Time from vaccination to symptom survey completion 595 days (IQR: 417 to 661 days) Median Euro-QoL visual analogue scale score was 50 (IQR: 39 to 70). The five most common symptoms Exercise intolerance (71%) Excessive fatigue (69%) Numbness (63%) Brain fog (63%) Neuropathy (63%) In the week before survey completion (Experienced at least once in the week) Feeling unease (93%) Fearfulness (82%) Overwhelmed by worries (81%) Feelings of helplessness (80%) Anxiety (76%) Depression (76%) Hopelessness (72%) Worthlessness (49%) Concerns related to living situations and food security were also prominent. Symptom Severity When asked to quantify symptom severity on their worst days, (0 representing a trivial illness and 100 unbearable condition) Participants reported a median severity of 80 Interventions to treat their condition Participants reported a median of 20 (IQR: 13 to 30). Oral steroids, 116 (48% participants) Gabapentin, 61 (25%) Low-dose naltrexone, 48 (20%) I, 44 (18%) Propranolol, 27 (11%) Bronchodilators, 26 (11%) More than 500 additional treatments were reported by participants Limiting exercise or exertion Quitting alcohol or caffeine Hydration and increasing salt intake Intermittent fasting Conclusions In this study, individuals who reported PVS after covid-19 vaccination had low health status, high symptom burden, and high psychosocial stress, despite trying many treatments. There is a need for continued investigation to understand and treat this condition. Looks like you can join, Kindred study Kindred is a community of patients, working with researchers to power more useful, impactful progress. https://www.kindred.hugo.health/resea... https://kindredapp.hugo.health/auth/l...
Why So Many Emergency Rooms Are Failing Kids in America
A Wall Street Journal investigation found that only 14% of emergency departments nationwide have been certified to treat kids. Melanie Evans explains. Read Transcript
Some 55% of respondents say it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if she wants it for any reason.
By Katherine Ellison
By Linda Searing
Dr. John Campbell Nov 13, 2023
Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken? https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p...
BMJ investigation Concerns Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) system isn’t operating as intended https://vaers.hhs.gov
Capturing post-market safety signals Signals are being missed? Robert Sullivan, anesthesiologist, Maryland Very fit and well, 49 Second dose of covid vaccine Two weeks Collapsed at home on treadmill Diagnosis of sudden onset pulmonary hypertension https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pulmona...
Rare in middle aged men Dr. Sullivan filed a VAERS report Submission process was a glitchy race against the clock. “The format is cumbersome and it times you out” Dr. Sullivan received email “e-report” number VAERS is supposed to be user friendly, responsive, and transparent. Unprecedented (1.66 million reports) number of reports since the rollout of covid vaccines Vast majority of recent reports, covid vaccines Nearly one in five meet the criteria of serious. Pre pandemic, 60 000 adverse event reports each year. Staffing levels failed to keep pace Signs that the system is overwhelmed, reports aren’t being followed up, and signals are being missed. The BMJ spoken to physicians and a state medical examiner, who filed serious reports, and were never contacted by clinical reviewers or were contacted months later. VAERS database includes only initial reports, case updates and corrections are kept on a separate, back end system. (a private, back end system containing all updates and corrections—such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death) (to protect patient confidentiality) Patients, doctors, and public only have access to incomplete and uncorrected version. Marie Lindquist, former director Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Sweden Good pharmacovigilance requires prompt data collection, review by people with clinical expertise, and adequate follow-up “We know that even the best clinical trials won’t detect [rare adverse events]” CDC has reviewed nearly 20 000 preliminary reports of death using VAERS Has not acknowledged a single death linked to mRNA vaccines. February 2021 Pfizer analysis of adverse event reports Had onboarded 600 additional full time employees to handle the volume and planned to employ a total of 1800 Dr. Patrick Whelan, rheumatologist and researcher, University of California Los Angeles 2022, reported a 7 year old boy, had a cardiac arrest after covid vaccination. “I assumed that, since it was a catastrophic event, the safety committee would want to hear about it right away,” To his knowledge, nobody called or requested medical records. Dr. James Gill, medical examiner and forensic pathologist, Connecticut June 2021, VAERS report, first of his 25 year career 15 year old boy who died suddenly days after a second jab Autopsy “stress cardiomyopathy following second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine.” Dr. Gill can’t recall getting any calls from VAERS after he filled out the online form, still has only a temporary “e-report” number. November 2022, React19 30 000 people who have experienced prolonged illness after covid vaccination, reviewed 126 VAERS reports among its ranks. One in three of the reports they looked for didn’t show up in the publicly searchable database Dr. Helen, intensive care and emergency physician Filed reports on behalf of several patients, including six who died Received a request for medical records for just one of the deaths “You’re not meeting your defined definition of follow-up,” “There’s a breakdown in your system.” “the FDA is not naming additional adverse reactions to the vaccines because the passive surveillance systems aren’t displaying it. But the passive surveillance systems aren’t displaying it because physicians are blinded to the adverse reactions in their patients, and thus aren’t reporting them.” FDA responded by email “is actively engaged in safety surveillance of these vaccines to identify and address potential safety concerns” “physicians and epidemiologists from the FDA and CDC continuously screen and analyse data from VAERS for covid-19 vaccines to identify potential signals that would indicate the need for further study.” FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Collects reports on drugs, does maintain a publicly accessible database that gets updated Harlan Krumholz, cardiologist and researcher, Yale “We are working hard to understand the experience, clinical course, and potential mechanisms of the ailments reported by those who have had severe symptoms arise soon after the vaccination,” “There are so many people whose lives have been changed dramatically—but what I don’t know is how many or why.”
Dr. John Campbell Nov 15, 2023
‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns https://insurancenewsnet.com/innartic...
Life insurance executives and actuaries believe the numbers are alarming Life insurers paid record levels of claims in 2021, biggest one-year increase since 1918 Distributed a record $100.28 billion in total death benefits. Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023 Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. The surge in excess deaths caught carriers off guard 15 – 19 years % difference from 2019 2018, 1% 2020, 21% 2021, 28% 2022, 21% 2023, (Jan – May), 24% 30 – 34 years % difference from 2019 2018, -1% 2020, 30% 2021, 42% 2022, 30% 2023, (Jan – May), 23% 40 – 44 years % difference from 2019 2018, -2% 2020, 30% 2021, 45% 2022, 30% 2023, (Jan – May), 25% Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. As COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases. Society of Actuaries poll In August 2022, 85% thought excess morality rates would continue to 2025.
In September 2023, 79% believed excess mortality rates will continue through 2026.
UK data https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIj...
Our world in data link https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ex...
by University of Minnesota NOVEMBER 6, 2023 Editors' notes
October 30, 2023
Confining vulnerable people into care homes during a pandemic produces the worst possible outcomes for them ― scientific article
October 8, 2023
Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel-Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine actually saved millions of lives
September 17, 2023
COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 11/17/2023 November 17, 2023
November 14, 2023
INDIA November 14, 2023
November 13, 2023
Higher temperatures from climate change could lead to changes in fungus, making them more dangerous to people.GLOBAL ISSUES11/10/2023November 10, 2023
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses found in animals and humans. Different strains cause illnesses of varying severity from the common cold to SARS to COVID-19.
Scientists claim long COVID has been vastly overestimated, with figures inflated by studies with methodological flawGLOBAL September 27, 2023
September 17, 2023
September 13, 2023
A study suggests pesticides used to grow soy could be correlated to child cancer deaths in Brazil.
BRAZIL October 30, 2023
By Gabriel Hays Fox News Published November 18, 2023 2:43pm EST
The New York Times editorial board penned a new editorial on Saturday stating that the school...
By Allysia Finley | Life Science
Bloomberg Originals Nov 8, 2023
PFAS chemicals are used in thousands of products aimed at making life easier. But the chemicals are now almost everywhere, including in human blood, and are being linked to severe health problems.
By Casey Ross and Bob Herman Nov. 14, 2023
The class action lawsuit was filed Tuesday against UnitedHealth Group and a subsidiary alleging that they are illegally using an algorithm to deny rehabilitation care to seriously ill patients, even though the companies know the algorithm has a high error rate.
This L.A. County investigator is working to track down a crucial set of patients who have slipped away from the health system: Women of childbearing age who have tested positive for syphilis.
Journalists from the Los Angeles Times travel along the Colorado River to examine how the Southwest is grappling with the water crisis.
By Caitlin Gilbert, Sasha Chavkin and Anahad O’Connor
Bristol wins U.S. approval for lung cancer drug targeting rare genetic mutation
FDA grants approval for first time to a home test for chlamydia and gonorrhea
Weight-Loss Drugs Will Be Sold as Pills, With Just as Many Side Effects and Cost Issues
A teenage student, known across China as the “folded boy”, continues to inspire millions of people nationwide following his most recent, and crucial round of straightening surgery.
20 Nov 2023 - 11:44AM
Fourth wave of fentanyl crisis hits every corner of US
13News Now Nov 1, 2023
A national survey presented Thursday to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows vaccination rates for the latest COVID-19 booster are in the single digits. The survey shows just 2% of children and 7% of adults have gotten the shot. With the colder months approaching, health experts are urging people to get the vaccine. Hampton Roads cardiologist Dr. Keith Newby said vaccine fatigue is partly to blame for the low numbers.
Wegovy Study Bolsters Use In Patients With Obesity and Heart Disease
Weight-Loss Drugs Among the Most Sought-After New Corporate Benefits
Novo to Build $6 Billion Plant as Obesity Drug Demand Surges
What You Need to Know About Weight-Loss Drugs Like Ozempic
Weight-Loss Drugs Among the Most Sought-After New Corporate Benefits
Novo Nordisk’s weight loss drug Wegovy slashes risk of serious heart events Angelica Peebles
Here’s why Lilly shares deserve a premium to Novo Nordisk stock, analyst says Christina Cheddar Berk FRI, NOV 10TH 2023
California’s Medicaid program is making it easier for people with diabetes to obtain the supplies they need to manage their blood sugar.
Relying too much on urgent care for treatment might mean you miss bigger health issues.
Here’s what Wall Street is saying about obesity drug Wegovy following Novo Nordisk’s key study
Alex Harring MON, NOV 13TH 2023
Pfizer wants in on the weight loss drug market – and new data will be crucial
Annika Kim Constantino MON, NOV 13TH 2023
Nov. 14, 2023 7:34 AM ET Pfizer Inc. (PFE)
By: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor12 Comments
Pfizer’s (NYSE:PFE) oral antiviral therapy Paxlovid is associated with a far higher incidence of COVID-rebound than previously thought, a small peer-reviewed study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine indicates.
Original Research 14 November 2023
An Observational Study Gregory E. Edelstein, BA*, Julie Boucau, PhD*, Rockib Uddin, BS, Caitlin Marino, BS, … View all authors Author, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/M23-1756
The real scare this Halloween seems to be declining birth rates globally. Reports say, it could grind to a halt by 2050. Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping is telling women to cultivate a 'child-bearing culture' to combat this trend. Here's what Priyanka Sharma has to say.
CDC reports highest childhood vaccine exemption rate ever in the U.S.
Puerto Rico declares flu epidemic with 42 deaths, over 900 hospitalizations
Some analysts predict the weekly injectable medication could become the best-selling drug of all time.
Newborn syphilis cases, which can be fatal, have risen more than tenfold in the last decade and almost 32% in a single year, according to a report from CDC.
Amid warnings about rising stimulant use disorders, the FDA is urging drugmakers to develop treatments for cocaine and methamphetamine addiction.
Tainted Walmart, CVS Eyedrops Linked to Unsanitary Indian Factory
Workers made up test results so the products appeared to be safe, FDA says
Patients are lining up for $2,500 full-body MRI scans that can detect cancer early
Ohio voters enshrine abortion rights in state constitution
TUE, NOV 7TH 2023
By Lena H. Sun
By Daniel Gilbert and David Ovalle
Dr. John Campbell Oct 31, 2023
UK Covid inquiry reveals unpleasant material https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwLLf...
Dominic Cummings “1000 times worse than my language was the underlying insanity of the situation in Number 10.” Start of 2020 UK’s first national lockdown, considered a “completely crazy idea” “no way” nationwide restrictions could be introduced in Britain Strict border controls on China and more testing, “much better” outcome than lockdown. Cummings to Johnson, March - May 2020 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023... Matt Hancock “unfit for this job” WhatsApp message, May 7 2020 “Hancock is unfit for this job. The incompetence, the constant lies, the obsession with media bullshit over doing his job. “Still no fucking serious testing in care homes his uselessness is still killing god knows how many. This morning you must ask him when will we get to 500k per day and where is your plan for testing all care home workers weekly.” Vulnerable people 'almost appallingly neglected' in lockdown decision “one of the most appalling things” lack of a shielding plan “and the Cabinet Office was trying to block us creating a shielding plan”. Later message to the PM from Cummings “You need to think through timing of binning Hancock. There’s no way the guy can stay. He’s lied his way through this and killed people and dozens and dozens of people have seen it.” WhatsApp message, 20 April 2020 from Mark Sedwill (Senior civil servant) “fast losing confidence in Hancock’s candour as well as grip.” Culture of secrecy Dominic Cummings a “culture of secrecy” in the Cabinet Office, blocked Sage minutes “I also had a very strong view that the Sage minutes and other documentation should be made public in February for scrutiny” “Patrick completely agreed - unfortunately again, the culture of secrecy in the Cabinet Office blocked that - not just in February/March, but blocking it for, I can’t remember how long, a very long time.”
The rate of babies dying in the U.S. increased 3% from 2021 to 2022, the CDC says.
Thick air pollution has cloaked the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region and surrounding areas since Oct. 22. On Monday, the situation got so bad in the capital that authorities issued an orange alert, the city’s second-highest warning for smog, although they also forecast the pollution would soon end with the arrival of cold air from Friday. Pollution control experts say that meteorological conditions brought about the haze, while increased industrial activity, heavy traffic and crop stubble burning also contributed to the smog, CCTV reported
Beijing and Tianjin are among 20 cities in the region announcing warnings for heavy air pollution that will last until Thursday
The continued increase in the disease’s prevalence has far outpaced growth in the rates for reported cases and deaths from 2002 to 2021
100 milligram doses of nirsevimab are in short supply, though supplies for the 50 milligram doses aren't affected.
By Arianna Johnson Forbes Staff Nov 1, 2023
A formal complaint has been filed with the Office of the Inspector General over the CDC committee revising hospital infection control protections. Here's what's at stake. By Judy Stone Senior Contributor
Some three-quarters of healthcare workers faced burnout in the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic—and the crisis remains severe today. By Arianna Johnson Forbes Staff Oct 26, 2023
There have been more than 30,000 mpox cases and 54 deaths reported in the U.S. but vaccine maker Bavarian Nordic said “a significant number of people” are still vulnerable to infection. By Robert Hart Forbes Staff
By Aaron Gregg
Dr. John Campbell Dr. John Campbell Oct 26, 2023
Safe and effective, what do these words actually mean? Ester McVey, British MP, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0DyI...
By Richard Sima
By Aaron Gregg and Eli Tan
By McKenzie Beard and Rachel Roubein
Only 5% of Californians have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine since it became more widely available earlier this month, and health officials say that’s not good enough.
DNA Breakthrough Unlocks Nature's Secrets—and Fears of Greenwashing
NYC’s Beth Israel Hospital to Close in July After Years of Losses
Oct 31, 2023COVID-19
Oct 31, 2023 COVID-19
Oct 18, 2023 COVID-19
By Abby Ellin
By Marlene Cimons and Teddy Amenabar
By Karina Elwood and Justin Jouvenal
Rise in Infant Mortality Shows US Needs to Take Better Care of Moms Lisa Jarvis | Columnist
Dr. John Campbell Oct 24, 2023
Free download of John’s text books. Apologies about the recent technical problem, the link to my books is now working perfectly. https://drjohncampbell.co.uk
Order my Physiology Notes in hard copy if you live in the UK, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1549733923...Our world in data https://ourworldindata.org https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/ex... https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mor...
Excess mortality is a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under ‘normal’ conditions
Excess deaths = Reported deaths – Expected deaths https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mor... The Human Mortality Database is maintained by a team of researchers based at the University of California, Berkeley, USA and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany.
Cases of the common but potentially deadly respiratory virus are on the rise.
Mumbai’s Deadly Air Pollution at Times Rivalling New Delhi
By Katherine Reynolds Lewis
By Linda Searing
Oct. 26, 2023 10:53 AM ET
By: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor55 Comments
Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Positive Topline Data for mRNA-based Combination Vaccine Program Against Influenza and COVID-19
Read more October 26, 2023
Oct 18, 2023 Forbes Talks
Joe Nocerra, co-author of "The Big Fail: What the Pandemic Revealed About Who America Protects and Who It Leaves Behind," speaks to "Forbes Talks" about his new book, what the U.S. did wrong during the COVID-19 pandemic, former President Trump's role in the failures, and more.
How We Got Covid’s Risk Right But the Response Wrong Justin Fox | Columnist
The drugmaker, which has begun negotiating with pharmacy-benefit managers and health plans this week, is expected to offer steep discounts to ensure wide access.
L.A. General’s inpatient psychiatric unit has restrained patients at a higher rate than in any other in California, a Times analysis has found.
Max Cooper and Meaghan Reid, For The Inquirer
Published: Oct 18, 2023 WASHINGTON
Randy Hatton and Leslie Hendeles have spent years fighting to remove over-the-counter cold medicines with phenylephrine from store shelves
CVS to pull certain cold medicines containing decongestant phenylephrine from store shelves Annika Kim Constantino
Sanofi to offer insulin product for $35 to all Americans through GoodRx Annika Kim Constantino THU, OCT 19TH 2023
Pfizer to price Covid drug Paxlovid at $1,390 per course Annika Kim Constantino WED, OCT 18TH 2023
Amazon begins delivering medications by drone in Texas Ashley Capoot WED, OCT 18TH 2023
FDA proposes ban on hair relaxers with formaldehyde NBC NEWSWED, OCT 18TH 2023 HEALTH AND SCIENCE
Johnson & Johnson beats on earnings as medtech, pharmaceutical sales surge THU, OCT 19TH 2023
CNBC Oct 9, 2023 #CNBCTV #CNBC
Pharmaceutical giant, Novo Nordisk, is now Europe’s most valuable company, worth more than its home country, Denmark’s total economy. That wasn’t always the case, and only recently, through its popular diabetes and weight-loss drugs, Ozempic and Wegovy, is it witnessing unprecedented financial success. For a century, the company predominantly focused on insulin and treating those with Type 2 diabetes. In its 2023 second quarter, the company reported a 46% increase in net profits and a 32% increase in sales compared to the same quarter the year prior. Alongside competitors like Eli Lilly the company is hoping to help treat the 1 billion people worldwide who are affected by obesity and hence transform a largely untapped market.
Chapters: 00:00 — Introduction 01:10 — First mover 05:34 —
A century of innovation 09:26 —
The potential of treating obesity 12:04 — Risks
Produced, shot and edited by: Natalie Rice Narration by: Emily Lorsch Animation by: Alex Wood, Christina Locopo Senior Managing Producer: Tala Hadavi Denmark Producer: Mary Hanan Additional Camera: Alex Herrera, Gerry Miller, Marco Mastrorilli, Angela Neil, Adam Galica, Eric Hanan Audio by: Neil Munroe, Mark Roberts Additional footage: CNBC International, Novo Nordisk, Getty Images, Reuters, Moderna, AP Images Additional editorial support by: Melissa Lee
Ozempic Shows Promise Treating Kidney Failure in Blow to Dialysis Firms
Full results of the study are expected by the first half of 2024.
Rural America Is Losing Nursing Homes, and Small Towns Are Reeling
The loss of long-term-care facilities—and the “deserts” they leave behind—has cascading economic implications for communities.
Oct. 11, 2023 2:10 PM ET Pfizer Inc. (PFE), VALN
By: Dulan Lokuwithana, SA News Editor2 Comments
Patients have spent 600 days on machines some people come to rely on.
Pfizer’s $9 Billion Covid Outlook Cut Sparks Investor Relief
The guidance cut was Pfizer’s biggest in at least a decade.
Lisa Jarvis | Columnist
Do You Really Have to Take Wegovy Forever?
Dr. John Campbell Oct 2, 2023
Evidence for non-pharmaceutical interventions such as mass lockdowns was weak. (Not that you could have guessed that easily at the time from government messaging). Research and analysis COVID-19: non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce transmission https://www.gov.uk/government/publica... 28 September 2023 Identify and categorise primary studies that reported on the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), implemented in community settings to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK. Physical distancing Surface cleaning Face coverings Hand and respiratory hygiene Ventilation Measures to identify and isolate those who are infectious or may become infectious, such as testing and isolation (also known as quarantine) Measures to reduce the number of contacts, including lockdown, settings closures and limitation of social contacts (such as the ‘rule of 6’) Shielding of the most clinically vulnerable Travel and border restrictions Review includes 151 studies (search date: 1 March 2023) Evidence gap map for NPIs https://research.ukhsa.gov.uk/evidenc...
Only 19 of the 151 studies reported on effectiveness of measures to reduce infection risk at individual level, of which 14 reported on face coverings. This suggests that there is an evidence gap for other measures within this category, such as hand and respiratory hygiene, ventilation and cleaning (studies that reported on packages of NPIs were excluded). Two-thirds of the evidence identified was based on modelling studies (100 out of 151 studies). There was a lack of experimental studies (2 out of 151 studies) Individual-level observational studies (22 out of 151 studies). On measures aimed to reduce infection risk at individual level The evidence available for this category is therefore likely to be weak, both in terms of study design and potential bias. Studies reporting on travel and border restrictions a weak evidence base in terms of study design. Apart from test and release strategies for which 2 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were identified, the body of evidence available on effectiveness of NPIs in the UK provides weak evidence in terms of study design, as it is mainly based on modelling studies, ecological studies, (relationship between outcome and exposure at a population level) mixed-methods studies and qualitative studies. For future pandemic preparedness A need to strengthen evaluation of interventions, and build this into the design and implementation of public health interventions, and government policies from the start of any future pandemic, or other public health emergency. The next steps are to critically appraise and synthesise the evidence identified on the effectiveness of individual NPIs, implemented in community settings to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 in the UK. There is also a need to review and assess the evidence on the economic impact of NPIs, as well as their wider impact, including on mental health and health inequalities. For future reports More on harm / benefit analysis
Kaiser Permanente Workers Prepare for Six-State Strike
It's shaping up to be the biggest health care strike in US history.
FDA Tests New Power to Pull Some Fast-Tracked Drugs Off Market
Its first target is a cancer treatment from Oncopeptides given accelerated approval in 2021, which has since faced a study questioning its effectiveness.
People seeking the newest COVID-19 vaccine are running into problems getting it due to high demand, insurance headaches and supply delays coast to coast.
Tom Avril, Sarah Gantz, and video by Lauren Schneiderman
Jeanmarie Perrone, For The Inquirer Published Oct. 3, 2023, 5:00 a.m. ET
Tens of thousands of Kaiser Permanente employees in California and other states plan a three-day work stoppage starting Wednesday.
‘Gain-of-function research’ has drawn scrutiny from those who spurned pandemic precautions, but biosafety experts say more transparency and caution are warranted.
by Phoebe Petrovic / Wisconsin Watch October 3rd, 2023
October 3, 2023 Corporate
INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) and POINT Biopharma Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: PNT) today announced a definitive agreement for Lilly to acquire POINT, a radiopharmaceutical company with a pipeline of clinical and preclinical-stage radioligand therapies in
The shot has been updated to target a strain of the coronavirus that was circulating earlier this year.
Dr. John Campbell Oct 7, 2023
Profound new medical research from Professor Angus Dalgleish, MD, FRCP, FRCPA, FRCPath, FMedSci Clinical consultant treating melanoma Heat killed mycobacteria to boost immune system, INM101 Endemic vitamin D in the UK, if this is improved, immunotherapy also improves. 5 – 20 year stable melanoma patient relapsing Melanomas often activated after extreme stress, divorce, bereavement etc. Now seeing more melanoma relapse, but these patients did not have life trauma, but they had been boosted. In the group getting melanoma relapses, they all mentioned they were up to date with covid boosters. Could it be the boosters that were leading to the relapse. After 30 years of vaccine work and research, focus on antibodies is misguided, T cells are more important. Innate T cell activity goes down after age of 55, in your boots by age 70 As innate T cell function goes down cancers increase So, does the decline in innate T cell activity causse’ the increase in cancer Heat killed mycobacterial vaccine boosts this immune response. If you keep giving killed mycobacterium, it does not induce antibodies, just keeps boosting T cells. Also seems to protect against colds and flu by boosting immune response. PD predicted this would be a good front line for covid. At the height of the first wave, none of the patients on mycobacteria vaccine caught covid, eval although they had advanced melanoma. Staff were getting ill, none of the vulnerable patients got sick with covid. In general, if you need to give more than 2 shots of vaccine, it doesn’t work. Vaccines should be given to people with known immune status. If you don’t need a vaccine it will make things worse. You only have a limited capacity in your immune system. If you boost with another vaccine, to harness half of the immune system to make antibodies, to a virus, which no longer exists on the planet. Then you will weaken the immune system. Confirmed by science, after booster you no longer make IgG 1 and 3 neutralising antibodies, you make IgG4 Boosters also suppress the T cell response. T cell response crashes after the booster in cancer patients, not in all but many of these patients. T cells control melanoma, relapses only occurred when there was T cell perturbation. Boosters cause perturbation. (First 11 minutes)
Seniors choosing Medicare plans can fall into traps leaving them with higher costs or fewer doctors than they expected. “I was so stupid.”
NYC Child Care Hits $45,000 a Year With US Prices Surpassing Pre-Pandemic Levels
F.D. Flam | Columnist
The CDC’s Covid Booster Strategy Is Failing
How Companies Are Helping Employees Stuck Between Work and Caring for Aging Parents
FDA proposes ban on hair relaxers with formaldehyde
WED, OCT 18TH 2023
Dr. John Campbell Oct 4, 2023
Two different manufacturing processes. Pfizer covid vaccines for the clinical trials were mostly produced using manufacturing ‘process 1’ whereas the vaccines used for population vaccination were produced using a different ‘process 2’ Interview with Josh Guetzkow PhD Here is the BMJ link: https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o...
Josh's handle on X.com is @joshg99 and here is a link to a thread I did on P1 vs. P2: https://x.com/joshg99/status/16584211...
Here is a link to my blog: https://researchrebel.substack.com/
Here are links to my posts on the Pfizer clinical trial
https://researchrebel.substack.com/p/... https://researchrebel.substack.com/p/... https://researchrebel.substack.com/p/... https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o... https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.105... https://twitter.com/joshg99/status/16... https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/...
The school once demoted Katalin Karikó and cut her pay, but it has made millions of dollars from patenting her work on mRNA in vaccines such as those for Covid-19.
Vaccine Development Has Changed Forever 04:02
Novo Nordisk's Wegovy bonanza looms large in Denmark 2:29 AM EDT
Kaiser Permanente and unions for 75,000 striking health workers hit bargaining snag 4:48 AM EDT
Mexico reports H5N1 bird flu in wild duck, commercial farms unaffected 12:35 AM EDT
Future of Health category About 4 million Americans got updated COVID vaccines in September October 4, 2023
Cough syrup killed scores of children. Why no one has been held to account
by Fatima Hussein and Eric Tucker, Associated Press Published Oct. 3, 2023, 3:10 p.m. ET
A spokesperson for the US Department of Health and Human Services told Reuters that 4M Americans were able to get the newly updated shots last month. They added that the Biden administration was working with drugmakers and distributors through HHS to ensure that vaccines were getting to vaccination sites as quickly as possible.
The FDA authorized and approved updated vaccines by Pfizer (NYSE:PFE)/BioNTech (NASDAQ:BNTX) and Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) in September.
WION Sep 29, 2023 #vaccine #health #covid19
Two years after they were first rolled out, experts are still gaining new insights on the COVID-19 vaccine's effects on women's health, from mRNA in breast milk to changes in menstrual cycles. In this episode, we explore the need for gender-inclusive medical research. #covid19 #vaccine #health
Original Research
Author Affiliations Published Online: Sep 19 2023 https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.230743
See editorial byDavid A Bluemke Sections PDF Tools
Patients who developed myocarditis following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination show abnormalities on cardiac MRI. However, whether myocardial changes occur in asymptomatic individuals following vaccination is not well established.
To assess myocardial 18Fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) uptake on PET/CT in asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated patients compared to nonvaccinated patients.
The study included 303 nonvaccinated patients (mean age, 52.9 years ± 14.9 [SD]; 157 females) and 700 vaccinated patients (mean age, 56.8 years ± 13.7 [SD]; 344 females). Vaccinated patients had overall higher myocardial FDG uptake compared to nonvaccinated patients (median SUVmax, 4.8 [IQR: 3.0-8.5] vs median SUVmax, 3.3 [IQR: 2.5-6.2]; P < .0001). Myocardial SUVmax was higher in vaccinated patients regardless of sex (median range, 4.7-4.9 [IQR: 2.9-8.6]) or patient age (median range, 4.7-5.6 [IQR: 2.9-8.6]) compared to corresponding nonvaccinated groups (sex median range, 3.2-3.9 [IQR: 2.4-7.2]; age median range, 3.3-3.3 [IQR: 2.3-6.1]; P range, <.001-.015). Furthermore, increased myocardial FDG uptake was observed in patients imaged 1-30, 31-60, 61-120, and 121-180 days after their second vaccination (median SUVmax range, 4.6-5.1 [IQR: 2.9-8.6]) and increased ipsilateral axillary uptake was observed in patients imaged 1-30, 31-60, 61-120 days after their 2nd vaccination (median SUVmax range, 1.5-2.0 [IQR: 1.2-3.4]) compared to the nonvaccinated patients (P range, <.001-<.001).
Compared to nonvaccinated patients, asymptomatic patients who received their 2nd vaccination 1-180 days prior to imaging showed increased myocardial FDG uptake on PET/CT.
See also the editorial by Bluemke in this issue.
The drugmaker, which has begun negotiating with pharmacy-benefit managers and health plans this week, is expected to offer steep discounts to ensure wide access.
America’s epidemic of chronic illness is killing us too soon
By Joel Achenbach, Dan Keating, Laurie McGinley, Akilah Johnson and Jahi Chikwendiu
How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives
By Lauren Weber, Dan Diamond and Dan Keating
Fatty liver was a disease of the old. Then kids started getting sick. By Ariana Eunjung Cha
Compare your life expectancy with others around the world
By Frances Stead Sellers, Adam Taylor, Dan Keating, Leslie Shapiro and Carson TerBush
A tale of two sisters, two countries and their health systems
By Frances Stead Sellers and Catarina Fernandes Martins
Stress is weathering our bodies from the inside out
By Akilah Johnson and Charlotte Gomez
How Lunchables ended up on school lunch trays
By Lenny Bernstein, Lauren Weber and Dan Keating
Safety of Monovalent BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech), mRNA-1273 (Moderna), and NVX-CoV2373 (Novavax) COVID-19 Vaccines in US Children Aged 6 months to 17 years Mao Hu, BS1 ; Azadeh Shoaibi, PhD, MHS2 ; Yuhui Feng, MS1 ; Patricia C. Lloyd, PhD, ScM2 ; Hui Lee Wong, PhD, MSc2 ; Elizabeth R. Smith, BS1 ; Kandace L. Amend, PhD3 ; Annemarie Kline, MS4 ; Daniel C. Beachler, PhD, MPH5 ; Joann F. Gruber, PhD2 ; Mahasweta Mitra, MPH1 ; John D. Seeger, DrPH, PharmD3 ; Charlalynn Harris, MPH, PhD4 ; Alex Secora, PhD6 ; Joyce Obidi, PhD2 ; Jing Wang, BA1 ; Jennifer Song, MA, MURP3 ; Cheryl N. McMahill-Walraven4 ; Christian Reich, MD, PhD6 ; Rowan McEvoy, BS1 ; Rose Do, MD1 ; Yoganand Chillarige, MPA1 ; Robin Clifford, MS, BS3 ; Danielle D Cooper4 ; Richard Forshee, PhD2 ; Steven A. Anderson, PhD, MPP2 1 Acumen LLC, Burlingame, CA, USA 2 US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA 3 Optum Epidemiology, Boston, MA, USA 4 Carelon Research, Wilmington, DE, USA 5 CVS Health/Aetna, Blue Bell, PA, USA 6 IQVIA, Falls Church, VA, USA
Sinister developments
Dr. John Campbell Sep 29, 2023
If you are a citizen or resident of the UK, please sign this petition and spread the word. The deadline to sign is October 3, 2023. https://petition.parliament.uk/petiti...
More useful links from James; https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/a... http://StopTheAmendments.com http://ExitTheWHO.org (worldwide) http://ExitTheWHO.com (USA) http://ThePeoplesDeclaration.com http://ScrewTheWHO.com http://JamesRoguski.substack.com/archive
+1 310-619-3055 Sincerely, James Roguski
By Susan Jaffe
By Erin Blakemore
A Neurologist’s Tips to Protect Your Memory
Lisa Jarvis | Columnist
WCVB Channel 5 Boston Sep 29, 2023
CVS makes it easy to sign up for the new COVID-19 vaccine online. But some customers told us when they showed up for their appointment, they got turned away.
by Gabrielle M. Etzel, Healthcare Reporter September 29, 2023 02:49 PM
Hospitals and regulators have done little to ensure E.R.s are ready to treat children in emergencies, while researchers prove taking basic steps can save lives.Long read
The Hill WASHINGTON 9/28/2023
Briahna Joy Gray and Amber Athey react to a new research paper authored by one of China's top virologists that another coronavirus outbreak is very likely. #covid19 #coronavirus
Open Access Published: 28 September 2023
Nature Cardiovascular Research (2023)Cite this article
Patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) present increased risk for ischemic cardiovascular complications up to 1 year after infection. Although the systemic inflammatory response to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection likely contributes to this increased cardiovascular risk, whether SARS-CoV-2 directly infects the coronary vasculature and attendant atherosclerotic plaques remains unknown. Here we report that SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA is detectable and replicates in coronary lesions taken at autopsy from severe COVID-19 cases. SARS-CoV-2 targeted plaque macrophages and exhibited a stronger tropism for arterial lesions than adjacent perivascular fat, correlating with macrophage infiltration levels. SARS-CoV-2 entry was increased in cholesterol-loaded primary macrophages and dependent, in part, on neuropilin-1. SARS-CoV-2 induced a robust inflammatory response in cultured macrophages and human atherosclerotic vascular explants with secretion of cytokines known to trigger cardiovascular events. Our data establish that SARS-CoV-2 infects coronary vessels, inducing plaque inflammation that could trigger acute cardiovascular complications and increase the long-term cardiovascular risk.
September 27, 2023
Artificial-intelligence technology can guide surgeons, which should make complicated operations safer.
Many people are needlessly avoiding the most common antibiotics, which are the most effective.
The messaging around vaping may be driving children and teens to take up the habit, says expert.
Video footage shows the man removing full shopping bags and fleeing before police arrived.
The new d